Contents tagged with JQuery Mobile
jQuery Mobile Cookbook - Book Review
It is a pleasure to work on jQuery Mobile Cookbook with Packt Publishing - one of the most prolific and fast-growing tech book publishers in the world. This was my first experience to work as a technical programming books reviewer. Actually, I found it very interesting experience; especially to work with such great company Packt Publishing.
jQuery Mobile Download Builder
Now you can customize your jQuery Mobile download by selecting the specific modules you need by using jQuery Mobile Download Builder that was released yesterday June 30, 2012.
Active button in navbar in Jquery Mobile
When you add ui-btn-active class to your anchor, it will activate the selected button in your navbar. Moreover, if you'd like to keep it active when you return to it again, you need to add ui-state-persist.
jquery mobile framework detects ui-state-persist class, then fires the delegate as following:
$navbar.delegate( "a", "vclick", function( event ) { if( !$("ui-disabled") ) { $navbtns.not(".ui-state-persist" ).removeClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass ); $( this ).addClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass ); } });
Adding jQuery Mobile controls programmatically
Adding a new jQuery Mobile control can't be appended directly to the page. Every control with jQuery mobile has its own style that is loaded at create event which belongs to the control itself.
jQuery Mobile : Page pre-fetch
The latest release of jQuery Mobile beta 2 is characterized by a new added feature. This feature is called Page pre-fetch, which finds the links of the active pages and makes a lazy load for these pages into the DOM beyond the scene before the user clicks on it.
JQuery Mobile Code Snippets 2
This part is a complement of JQuery Mobile Code Snippets 1 , hope these codes help you.
Grid Layout In Jquery Mobile
JQuery Mobile: Fire Mobileinit Event
Many people asked that the Mobileinit event didn't work. Simplicity just you need to follow this sequence:
useFastClick in JQuery Mobile
JQuery Mobile Code Snippets 1
I want to share with you some important codes that you may need during JQuery Mobile development.These codes has been tested on Alpha 4 version.