Passing an Array of Values to a Stored Procedure in SQL Server 2005

I've always dreaded handling the situation where I need to pass an array of values to a stored procedure.  Yeah...there are several ways to do it, but none of them are really pleasant IMHO.  I came across the following post by Jon Galloway that puts to use SQL Server 2005's XML capabilities to allow an XML fragment containing multiple values to be passed in as a single parameter and parsed.  Sure, there are pros and cons to this approach, but this technique makes reaching the end goal faster and easier than some of the alternatives.  Especially if you consider using the XML serialization capabilities in .NET to automatically serialize object properties to XML that is then passed to a sproc.

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  • I agree that there are pro's and con's to this. This still feels sloppy to me, just a little less sloppy than the alternatives.

  • I agree...way less sloppy than parsing commas or other separators. :-) Until we can pass a "true" CLR object as a parameter I personally think this is a nice work-around to the issue though.

    I'm a big fan of XML serialization/deserialization and this plays nicely with it for both input and output parameters. Multiple objects with multiple properties could be passed in as XML and then parsed and inserted, deleted or updated with a single sproc rather than making multiple calls like many apps seem to do.

  • Not saying it is better, but I don't understand why Xml is "way less sloppy." Xml is pretty verbose, I tend to avoid it.

    We wrote a function at work that returns a Table variable. This way you can even do joins with it.

    Create Function [dbo].[fn_ParseDelimitedStrings]
    (@String nvarchar(3500), @Delimiter char(1))
    Returns @Values Table
    RowId int Not Null Identity(1,1) Primary Key
    ,Value nvarchar(255) Not Null

    Declare @startPos smallint
    ,@endPos smallint

    If (Right(@String, 1) != @Delimiter)
    Set @String = @String + @Delimiter
    Set @startPos = 1
    Set @endPos = CharIndex(@Delimiter, @String)

    While @endPos > 0
    Insert @Values(Value)
    Select LTrim(RTrim(SubString(@String, @startPos, @endPos - @startPos)))

    -- remove the delimiter just used
    Set @String = Stuff(@String, @endPos, 1, '')

    -- move string pointer to next delimiter
    Set @startPos = @endPos

    Set @endPos = CharIndex(@Delimiter, @String)



  • Thanks for posting the sample since it's a great example of alternative techniques.

    That's an awful lot of string parsing code in my opinion although I'll agree that once you've written it once it can be re-used since it's in a function. I like the ability to serialize .NET objects as XML and pass that in though and then easily parse it using the built-in XPath/XQuery functionality. XML is certainly more verbose though as you mention.

  • The XML serialization method sounds nice and ill probably use it myself but it ties the business layer into the data layer. If a variable name gets changed in the business layer then the stored procedure will also need to be updated to reflect this change.

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