.NET 2.0 (beta) release schedule
We know that .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 (Whidbey) Beta 1 is announced for June, but which day precisely? It will probably be released at Teched Europe, which is held between June 29 and July 2.
What about Beta 2 and consequentely the "Go Live" license? What event is there at the end of the year that could match the release date? Apparently it isn't the PDC as it seems there won't be a PDC this year. It seems the PDC will be held in 2005 and then could match the final release, which is due for the first half of 2005.
But then, when is Beta 2 to arrive? Has someone around here some insight?
I'm not even interested to know the release date for the final version. To me the most important is the Beta 2 and the ability to deploy applications.