Boosting search engine results with URL rewriting
I don't know whether you noticed this trend that consists in masquerading URLs such as so they appear like this:
It's done here on for example. Just look at this page's URL. ScottW and .Text do this using HTTP handlers. Another way to do this is to use the HttpContext.RewritePath method.
I decided to give it a try with the SharpToolbox. As soon as I did, the site got a boost from Google. Two days ago, Google was only linking to the main page, but now Google also returns links to tool and category pages which is much more useful. Let's say for example you're searching for an assembly decompiler, an XAML tool, or a C# object relational database mapping tool, chances are high that you find it in the SharpToolbox thanks to Google :-)
Update: Jason Salas has a post about this. Also read the comments there.