It begins...
The latest snowstorm to hit the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. is now in full swing. It's some of the heaviest snow I've seen all winter (which is actually saying something this winter). I have to admit, that it looks pretty right now, but that doesn't make me any more enthusiastic about the shoveling I'm going to have to do tomorrow...ARGH!!!
Sooo Close...
Just finished another editing pass on 4 more chapters...still have to finish chapter 10, and the content for the latest revised editons of my Microsoft Press books will be done! It will be great to get this project finished.
More Snow!?!?!
As anyone who's lived in or around Washington, DC can tell you...we've had a heck of a winter this year. Yes, I know people in more northern climes have it worse on a regular basis, but you're prepared for it. We got 2 feet of snow last week, which shut down schools for the whole week.
Another chapter in the can!
I just put the finishing touches on the revision of Chapter 9 for my books Microsoft® ASP.NET Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET Version 2003 Step By Step and Microsoft® ASP.NET Programming with Microsoft Visual C#™ .NET Version 2003 Step By Step. That leaves just one chapter to go!
Oh, Great! Another scam...
So I get a phone call from a nice lady who identifies herself as a transfer notification agent for the pseudo-official sounding Domain Support Group. She said she was calling to let me know about "changes on the Internet that could affect" my domain name.
Upcoming Speaking Events...
I have a couple of speaking events to remind folks of...
A quick update...
I wanted to note, while I'm thinking about it, that accessing the Web Services from ASP.NET is surprisingly easy. The only tricky part I found was dealing with the built-in limitation of 10 results per request.
Time to get started...
So here I am trying to multi-task. I'm working on getting this blog set up (thanks to Scott W. for the great work on creating a rich ASP.NET blog tool!), while also working on a quick demo app for connecting to the Web Services through ASP.NET.