Thanks, CapArea.NET!
My thanks to the Capital Area .NET User Group for their attentiveness and good questions at my talk this past Tuesday. I would have posted this earlier, but I'm still having problems with my DSL, and unfortunately, the T1 looks like it's going to take longer than expected (not to mention the fact that my local ILEC, Verizon, wants to charge me $600 in construction charges just to get the line set up).
Reminder: Server Controls Talk
Just a reminder (and a test of Scott's BlogErt tool) that I will be giving a talk on creating a custom ASP.NET login control at the Capital Area .NET User Group on Tuesday night. Details can be found on my web site, as well as on the Capital Area .NET User Group site.
T1, here I come...
I've finally gotten so sick and tired of the reliability (or lack thereof) of DSL that I've just ordered a fractional T1 line from Speakeasy. DISCLAIMER: the previous link is a referral link...I don't have my line installed yet, so I can't speak to their line quality, but the pre-install service has been the best I've ever seen. If you want to see what Speakeasy has to offer without the referral, that's cool, too.
Sometimes, DSL sucks!
After having gone through a complete DSL outage described here, my ISP was able to get the line back up in a couple of days. Unfortunately, since the line came back up (apparently my local telco had either cut or disconnected the line about a mile away from my house), it's been bouncing (dropping and reconnecting) erratically. This has been going on for days, and my ISP doesn't seem to have done a whole lot about it. Now the line is completely dead. So I called them up today, and got a nice person on the phone who asked me to disconnect and reconnect the line, and then to power-cycle the router (for only the bazillionth time), just like every other time I've called. Then they got Covad on the phone, and had me do yet another cycle of disconnect/reconnect/power-cycle.
Overreacting, IMO
With all due respect, I think that Robert is overreacting just a bit, on several fronts:
Always learning something new...
It's good to keep learning, whether it's about ASP.NET, or about something as mundane (how quickly we become blasé) as blogging. Thanks to fellow .NET Weblogger Patrick Steele, I found out about the ability to use CSS to get a pseudo-WYSIWYG view of a new blog entry before submitting it. Very nice. Not perfect, but definitely better than the default, and better than the design view of the integrated posting tool Scott put together for the site (Sorry, Scott!).
Capital Area .NET User Group
Next week, on June 24th, I will be speaking at the Capital Area .NET User Group meeting in Vienna, VA. The topic will be "Building a Custom ASP.NET Login Control".
Defending .NET
And then he gets really nasty. Now, I don't normally condone ad-hominem attacks on people who annoy us, but in this case, I might make an exception. The article Bellware discusses does seem to betray a boundless ignorance of .NET and Microsoft development in general. And Bellware's response is quite funny to boot. -
Thanks, TriNUG!
I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all the folks from the Triangle .NET User Group who showed up for my presentation on creating a custom Login server control last night. I had a great time, and the questions from the group were very good as well. I bumped into fellow MVP Cindy Weingarten, who I'd known of through MVP forums and such, but had not yet met, and met several other members of the group as well. Thank you all for making me feel so welcome! Also, thanks to INETA for arranging for me to speak at the UG meeting. If you run, or are a member of a .NET user group, and you aren't an INETA member, you should join now! They have tons of resources for user groups, including arranging for speakers such as myself to speak at your meetings. Best of all, INETA membership is free! And we all like free. ;-)
Not paying enough attention...
Clearly, I'm not paying enough attention. Luke commented on my last blog entry that:
SharpReader filtering
Mike Sax notes a cool feature of SharpReader that I didn't even know about: Filtering (search):
A trip down memory lane, courtesy of Larry Ellison
The news that Larry Ellison is planning a hostile takeover of PeopleSoft caused Mike Sax to reminisce:
Style Problems
So I've discovered the downside to using a style sheet located on a remote server...when the DSL connection that server is sitting on goes down, your styles are hosed. :-(
The Road to North Carolina...
So I'm finally starting to recover from my drive from the Washington, DC area to Cary, NC (I'm in town to speak at the Triangle .NET User Group this week). What would normally be a 4-5 hour trip (around 270 miles) took more than 7 hours, thanks in part to torrential downpours that strafed the east coast yesterday. I think it was some of the worst rain I've ever driven in, sometimes so bad that I was down to 20mph on the freeway, with my hazard lights on, praying that the rain would let up enough for me to see more than 2 or 3 car lengths ahead. Not a fun drive. Fortunately, my 7-week old son, Joseph, slept through most of the drive, other than when we stopped to feed him.
Upcoming Server Control Talk
This Wednesday evening at 5:00pm, courtesy of the INETA Speaker's Bureau, I will be speaking at the Triangle .NET User Group in Cary, North Carolina. I will be presenting a talk on creating a custom login server control. If you're in the Raleigh/Durham area, please come on by and say "hi!". As an added incentive, I've brought along a whole box of my books to give away at the don't be late!
It figures...
...the first time Scoble links to my blog, and it's the one entry that fell victim to the recent migration (so anyone clicking on the link gets a nice generic ASP.NET error message). That's a little embarrasing.<sigh>