Contents tagged with Windows Phone 7
What’s Up NYC? Speaking At The Cloud Computing Expo Next Week
Next week I will be speaking at the Cloud Computing Expo in New York City. I am particularly excited about this event because I will have the unique opportunity to present about the new concept behind our upcoming enterprise mobility platform: the enterprise mobile platform as a service. Read More via jrodthoughts....
Enterprise Mobility Best Practices With Chris Love
Enterprise mobility is one of the hottest trends in today’s IT industry. However, like any other emerging technology space, the industry is still trying to learn about the challenges and establish best practices and patterns that can help organizations to efficiently leverage the connected devices revolution. Selecting the right technology stacks or frameworks, making appropriate choice between native, hybrid or mobile-web applications to the techniques, integrating mobile applications to backend systems in your datacenter or correctly testing and manage mobile application are just some of the challenges faced on the journey to the mobile enterprise
My Latest Article: Taking IT System Management to the Cloud
I've been a fan of the Cloud Times for some time now. Last week, they published one of my articles about the movement of taking IT systems management to the Cloud. Check it out here:
Tellago Webinar: Next Generation Enterprise Mobility Solutions
Next Thursday Tellago will be hosting a webinar about the most exciting trend in the enterprise software industry: Enterprise Mobility. We will take a deep view of the existing enterprise mobility technologies as well as new emerging models and technologies that are destined to lead the future of enterprise mobility. If you are executive, architect or developer looking into enterprise mobility you NEED TO ATTEND THIS webinar. Please register at
My Latest Article: Using the Cloud to Enable Next-Generation Enterprise Mobility Solutions
My latest article about enterprise mobility practice is now available in the Cloud Computing Journal. The article summarizes a lot of the lessons we learned during the development of Moesion and that will be at the core of Tellago’s enterprise mobility practice.
Moesion Webinar Tomorrow
Moesion’s adoption keeps skyrocketing and tomorrow we will be hosting our 2nd Moesionwebinar. We are going to be walking through real world scenarios about how to manage your IT infrastructure, whether on-premise or on the cloud, from your smartphone or tablet. We will focus on practical demonstrations that illustrate how to manage relevant IT systems such as Windows Server, IIS, SQL Server, SharePoint Server, BizTalk Server and even Windows Azure.
Managing your IT Systems from your SmartPhone or Tablet: Moesion Webinar Tomorrow
This Wednesday we will hosting the first public webinar about Moesion ( ). In this webinar, we will be highlighting how you can manage your IT systems, whether on-premise on or the cloud, from your smartphone or tablet. Specifically, we will be demonstrating how you can use Moesion to manage many capabilities of your IT infrastructure including:
Be a better IT Pro: Moesion Cartoon
Check this out! Please sign up for the private Beta at
Moesion is making news
It’s been a week since we announced the private beta availability of Moesion and the reaction from customers, partners and the press have been incredible. I thought I’d take the time to highlight some of the press coverage that Moesion has received during the last few days.
Manage your IT Systems from your Mobile Device: Tellago Studios Announces Moesion