List of blogs - year 2010
This is the last day of year 2010 and I would like to add links to all blogs I have posted in this year.
First, I would like to mention that I started blogging in ASP.NET Community in May / June 2010 and have really enjoyed writing for my favorite technologies, such as: ASP.NET, jQuery/JavaScript, C#, LINQ, Web Services etc. I also had great feedback either through comments on my blogs or in Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn where I met many new experts just as a result of my blog posts. Thanks to the interesting topics I have in my blog, I became DZone MVB.
Here is the list of blogs I made in 2010 in my ASP.NET Community Weblog:
(newest to oldest) -
Great library of ASP.NET videos – Pluralsight!
I have been subscribed to the Pluralsight website and of course since ASP.NET is my favorite development technology, I passed throughout few series of videos related to ASP.NET.
NDepend – Code Query Language (CQL)
As I’ve mentioned in my first blog post, the Code Query Language (CQL) is used to help you write custom rules and query your own code. You can query your code on many specific ways. Also, the NDepend tool has nice CQL editor with excellent IntelliSense saupport.
NDepend tool – Why every developer working with Visual Studio.NET must try it!
In the past two months, I have had a chance to test the capabilities and features of the amazing NDepend tool designed to help you make your .NET code better, more beautiful and achieve high code quality. In other words, this tool will definitely help you harmonize your code. I mean, you’ve probably heard about Chaos Theory. Experienced developers and architects are already advocates of the programming chaos that happens when working with complex project architecture, the matrix of relationships between objects which simply even if you are the one who have written all that code, you know how hard is to visualize everything what does the code do. When the application get more and more complex, you will start missing a lot of details in your code… NDepend will help you visualize all the details on a clever way that will help you make smart moves to make your code better.
jQuery Templates in ASP.NET - Blogs Series
In the previous days, I wrote several blog posts related to the great jQuery Templates plugin showing various examples that might help you get started working with the plugin in ASP.NET and VS.NET environment.
jQuery Templates - XHTML Validation
Maybe you have already tried, and I don't know what are your results but here is my opinion regarding this.
jQuery Templates with ASP.NET MVC
In my three previous blogs, I’ve shown how to use Templates in your ASPX website.
jQuery Templates - {Supported Tags}
I have started with Introduction to jQuery Templates, then jQuery Templates - tmpl(), template() and tmplItem() functions. In this blog we will see what supported tags are available in the jQuery Templates plugin.
jQuery Templates – tmpl(), template() and tmplItem()
In the first blog, I made introduction to the jQuery Templates plugin made by Microsoft for the jQuery library. Now in this blog I will pass briefly through the three main functions that are supported by the plugin up to now.
Introduction to jQuery Templates
About two weeks ago I’ve had around two hours long session at MKDOT.NET UG monthly meeting on subject “Deep Dive into jQuery Templates in ASP.NET”. Now, I will try to split up few parts of the presentation and write some blogs here.
ViewBag dynamic in ASP.NET MVC 3
Earlier today Scott Guthrie announced the ASP.NET MVC 3 - Release Candidate 2. I installed the new version right after the announcement since I was eager to see the new features. Among other cool features included in this release candidate, there is a new ViewBag dynamic which can be used to pass data from Controllers to Views same as you use ViewData[] dictionary. What is great and nice about ViewBag (despite the name) is that its a dynamic type which means you can dynamically get/set values and add any number of additional fields without need of strongly-typed classes.
Today I had a presentation on "Deep Dive into jQuery Templates in ASP.NET"
Today (December 1st 2010) I had a presentation on “Deep Dive into jQuery Templates in ASP.NET”.
jQuery Data Linking in ASP.NET
We already know that Microsoft actively supports the jQuery project and is direct contributor to the three yet new but well-known plugins:
How do you prefer getting bundles of technologies?
Clive Chinery wrote a blog post on CodeASP.NET Community passing the following message:
Case-insensitive XPath query search on XML Document in ASP.NET
Sometimes we need to read XML files that are manually written by users and find some elements in the XML tree. Using .NET library, we can easily navigate throughout the whole XML file since the library has excellent support for working with XML files. One of the challenges you may come across is when you want to search for specific node in the XML file, but you are not sure about the letter case (lower, upper or even mixed) of the XML elements.
jQuery UI Accordion in ASP.NET MVC - feed with data from database (Part 3)
In the part one I’ve shown how to implement the jQuery Accordion on client-side and add some predefined skin.
jQuery UI Accordion in ASP.NET WebForms - feed with data from database (Part 2)
In the first part I’ve shown how to implement jQuery UI Accordion in an ASP.NET website in only few steps, without any server-side interaction. We’ve seen how easy is to setup the Accordion and to apply some theme to it.
jQuery UI Accordion in ASP.NET – Client side implementation (Part 1)
Accordion is a well-known web control that allows you to have multiple web panes and display them one at a time. It’s like having several ASP.NET panels in one website and are dependant on each other so that only one panel is shown at a time while other are collapsed. If you are familiar with the jQuery UI, you probably already know about jQuery UI Accordion which exactly gives you the same ability what I’ve described previously.
Using Images embedded in Project’s Assembly
Few months ago, I wrote a blog “Working with embedded resources in Project’s Assembly" explaining how you can embed resources in the project's assembly.
Macedonian Code Camp 2010 event has finished successfully
Thanks to all attendees, contributors/sponsors, speakers and the organization board, the event ‘Macedonian Code Camp 2010’ held on Saturday, 6th of November in Skopje (Republic of Macedonia) has finished successfully.
Tips and Tricks: Deferred execution using LINQ
Few days ago I was watching the Scott Allen’s video where he shows some interesting tips and tricks and ways to optimize your LINQ code. The following blog refers to one of his first tips in the video, so I’ve tried some tests which I’m going to explain here.
Using System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch class to measure the elapsed time
I’ve been playing around with the Stopwatch class using .NET Framework 4.0. It contains great set of methods which you can use to measure the elapsed time while your code executes.
Speaking at Macedonian Code Camp 2010
Hello everyone,
URL Routing in ASP.NET 4.0 Web Forms
As a capability, URL routing was first time introduced in ASP.NET 3.5 SP1. The URL routing is well known in the ASP.NET MVC, but it can be also implemented in ASP.NET Web Forms Framework.
Conflicts between ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanels & jQuery functions
In one of my previous posts dealing with the jQuery DatePicker , a user commented reporting an issue where he uses the jQuery DatePicker and ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanels.
Integration of jQuery DatePicker in ASP.NET Website – Localization (part 3)
About two months ago, I’ve written two blog posts concerning the KeithWood’s jQuery DatePicker and its implementation in ASP.NET Website.
Why not to use HttpResponse.Close and HttpResponse.End
I’ve seen many times developers use HttpResponse.Close and HttpResponse.End when they want to end the request and send a response to the client. If you read the MSDN explanation about HttpResponse.Close Method, in Remarks you will see the following explanation:
Calculate Business Days using LINQ
In this blog post, I will show one simple way to get the total business days within given range of two dates. Question related to this topic was asked several times in many ASP.NET / .NET Communities, so I thought it would be very good to document it with a blog post.
Get Distinct values of an Array using LINQ
In this blog post, I will show how you can filter your array and remove all duplicate elements so that the end result will be array with distinct values. Moreover, the main idea is to do this without using any other (two or more) array(s) to make this work.
Using CodeRun browser-based IDE to create ASP.NET Web Applications
Today I'm in another town where I didn't get my laptop with me. Anyway, I've found a computer but I have nothing installed on it, in order to run some code snippets. However, I already knew about CodeRun, the web-browser IDE for web applications development that lets you build, run and debug your applications. Moreover, CodeRun lets you upload or download code files, which makes it easy if you build web application containing many other files, to download the complete application packed in zip.
Using params keyword – Methods with variable number of parameters
Have you ever come to a situation when you want to create C# method (or in any other language), but you are in doubt what number of parameters your method needs to have? I suppose you do!
Working with Code Snippets in VS.NET
Working with System.IO.Path static class
Hello everyone.
Calculating GridView total using JavaScript/JQuery
Hello everyone.
The new SortedSet<T> Collection in .NET 4.0
With the newest release of .NET Framework, version 4.0 - the class library provides new collection set from System.Collections.Generic classes called SortedSet<T>.
JavaScriptSerializer – Dictionary to JSON Serialization and Deserialization
Few weeks ago I was working with the JavaScriptSerializer for serializing objects into JSON format, sending the JSON format as a parameter to a web service method and deserializing in the web service. The JavaScriptSerializer can be useful for different serialization and deserialization tasks.
Integration of jQuery DatePicker in ASP.NET Website – JS Validation Script (part 2)
In part 1 I’ve shown the way to integrate the KeithWood’s jQuery DatePicker on an ASP.NET website in just few simple steps.
Integration of jQuery DatePicker in ASP.NET Website (part 1)
In the previous days, I’ve been working on few jQuery DatePicker plug-ins.
Transferring large data when using Web Services
I've been working with complex reporting application and big part of the application relies on Web Services.
Forums dedicated to WebMatrix
Hi everyone.
Microsoft WebMatrix – Short overview & installation
Hello everyone!
Working with embedded resources in Project's assembly
Embedding resources in project’s assembly can be very useful for static data that exists in your project, such as images, some static files etc.
Debugging ASP.NET Web Services
All those who have ever heard about Web Services, already know what is the nature of the Web Services and why these are important especially in Distributed Systems when exchanging data from different operating systems, platforms etc.
Save and Display YouTube Videos on ASP.NET Website
About two months ago, a member in the forums asked a question regarding similar issue. For this purpose, I have prepared short article that shows how you can achieve this using ASP.NET Repeater (or similar) control, a database table with three columns and few code-lines to make this work.
Hello ASP.NET World...
Hello everyone.