
Archives / 2006 / June
  • Try Office 2007 Online: Beta 2 Test Drive

    Sure the 2007 Microsoft Office System looks very sexy, but I know lots of people who are quite hesitant to install it on the machine that they use during their everyday life (and they are probably right). So you’d like to try out the beta bits without messing up your main operating system and without the hassle to install and configure the server components, this is for you:

  • YASR: Editable List/Document Library Pages

    One of the more common things to customize in SharePoint 2003 (both WSS and SPS) are the pages that display lists or document libraries. Users end up on those pages when they click on the list/document library in the Quick Launch, or on the web part title that’s displaying the list/document library data. Those pages can be customized but you need to build your own site definition or you need to use FrontPage.

  • Vista Look for Office 2007 in Windows XP

    I’ve been running Beta 2 of the 2007 Microsoft Office System on my main laptop for a couple of weeks. At first I was a little bit hesitant to install the Beta of my main machine since I actually need to get some real work done as well (sometimes I feel like a real Information Worker!). But so far I only experienced some minor glitches, so I can uninstall the old, trustworthy Office 2003 bits from my machine (I went for the side-by-side installation of Office 2007). Some of my colleagues are running Vista Beta2 as their main operating system but I didn’t dare to do that yet. But those guys have the really slick looking black/gray UI in Office 2007, old-fashioned people (like me) have the blue UI.

  • Office 2007 Train-the-Trainers Course at Brussels

    This week we had the pleasure to organize a first Train-the-Trainers (TTT) course on the 2007 Microsoft Office System at U2U in Brussels. It was a very international group; 18 passionate trainers coming from all over the world: Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Chechia, Russia, Litva, Marocco. Of course we took the opportunity to show them the touristic side of Brussels as well and let them enjoy some Belgian beers. You can see some pictures over here (scroll down to "Office Development and SharePoint 2007 Train-The-Trainer at U2U"). It was great teaching you guys, and I want to wish you all the luck for your trainings!

  • YASR: User Account Look-Ups in SharePoint 2007

    Sometimes a very small feature in SharePoint 2007 can mean a big relief for SharePoint users. Do you know the “pain” to add a user to a SharePoint site for example: you need to know the exact account name or the email address. One small typing mistakes will result in an unrecognized user. In the next version of SharePoint this scenario is drastically improved, and resembles a lot the experience that you get in Outlook.

  • YASR: Alerts in SharePoint 2007

    One of the more popular quirk in SharePoint 2003 (remember the YASQ’s?) was the alerting mechanism. The alerts in SharePoint 2003 are OK at first sight: you can create an alert for a complete list or document library, or just for one item. The problem is that you can only create an alert for yourself. This makes sense if you think of alerts as ‘RSS-avant-la-lettre’. But lots of people would like to create alerts for other users as well. Unfortunately this was not available out-of-the-box, although you could customize SharePoint by installing various (free) web parts to overcome this issue.

  • Reducing Fan Noise on my Tecra M4

    Since a month or so I’m using a Toshiba Tecra M4 tablet pc as my main laptop (replacing my ‘old’ HP NX9110). At first sight I was quite pleased with the machine: nice big screen with a high resolution, good CPU power and not too heavy. Since this is my first tablet, this ‘coolness’ factor is of course also playing a role! Later on I got to know the not-so-nice features of this machine: battery life is not that great (2h) and sometimes it seems that the machine is going to take off. When the CPU usage bumps (even very short) the fan reacts immediately causing some very loud noise. When you’re in a VPC the noise is almost always there.

  • .NET 3.0 = WinFX !?

    Mmm, now that everybody is used to the (pretty cool) WinFX name, we have to learn to say the .NET Framework 3.0. One of the reasons for this name change that's mentioned is to avoid confusion... Now I'm confused! Will there be a new .NET CLR as well, or is the CLR of .NET 3.0 the same as .NET 2.0? Read the details at Somasegar's blog:

  • YASR: RSS In SharePoint 2007

    RSS feeds are great to keep you up to date without the hassle to go and look if information is updated; the new/updated stuff is pushed towards you. In the previous version of SharePoint, there was no support for RSS feeds out of the box. Although it’s possible to add RSS functionality to SharePoint 2003 by installing add-ons, it’s not very straight forward. Luckily in the new SharePoint 2007 RSS feeds are available, and the good news is: it’s enabled by default! When you navigate to a list or document library, you can select the View RSS Feed item from the Actions menu.

  • Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 Beta 2 Trial Period Expired

    I noticed that I get lots of hits on my blog from people that are receiveing the message "Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 Beta 2 Trial Period Expired" when they install MOSS 2007 on a domain controller. I know the solution has been blogged by other persons, but for the people that ended up on my blog (like you?): you need to download and install the following file:

  • Tracking In BizTalk Server 2006

    The Health and Activity Tracking tool (HAT) has lost quite some functionality in BizTalk Server 2006 compared to the 2004 version. Actually that's not a bad thing since all the lost functionality has been ported to the BizTalk Server Administration tool. Some time ago I was looking how to enable tracking for a specific message property in BTS 2006, it's not happening in HAT anymore, but in the Server Administration tool! [Source, plus more intresting FAQs]

  • U2U Training for Windows Vista

    Man, I wish I could follow this training myself! I've seen Peter playing with all the cool stuff: WCF, WF, WPF, ... so much content. Maybe he's also doing some evening sessions for his colleagues. :-)

  • Contributor Settings in SharePoint Designer

    When you install Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007), out-of-the box the Contributor Settings will be enabled on your site(s). You will notice this in the SharePoint Designer task pane. By default your account will (probably?) be in the Content Authors group, wich may “restrict the use of some features” as the task pane mentions.

  • Where did Workflow go In SharePoint Designer Beta2?

    If you have installed Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007) in the “Beta-2-has-been-released-yeah!” rush and didn’t read any documentation or didn’t watch any webcast, you’ll probably notice that some items have moved compared to Beta 1 and Beta 1TR. I “lost” the menu item in the SharePoint Designer that opened the wizard to create a new workflow.  After a couple of minutes I discovered the new location, so let me share that with you. First of all: open the site on which you’d like to create to workflow in SharePoint Designer (File menu, Open Site).  Next, in the File menu, click New and select Workflow. Tadaaa!