
Archives / 2004 / March
  • Netgear wireless router problems and solution

    A while back I bought a Netgear MR814 wireless router for my girlfriend's house. However, I've always had problems holding a strong wireless connection. The back of the house doesn't get a very strong signal, and my connection would frequently drop. For a while I chalked the connection losses up to poor signal strength, but recently I found the following article on Netgear's support site:

  • Red vs Blue - it's official

    Yes, it's official. Season 2 of Red vs Blue stinks. Actually, it was official 3 or 4 episodes ago, but I was holding out hope that things would improve. It pains me to say this, as I was a huge fan of Season 1. What happened? How did things go so wrong? In my opinion, it went wrong when they took out the f***ing swearing. Half (or more) of the hilarity of the show was the military guys ripping in to each other. Some of the insults have even made it into my friends' vernacular.