Expression Encoder 2 SP1 available!

Expression Encoder 2 SP1 The main info is in the title…

Download the SP1 of Expression Encoder 2 here:

Why is it so nice?

Because you can now export your encoded videos to a Silverlight 2 player with a new set of templates!

Then easily open the output in Visual Studio 2008 and add your C# or VB code! How cool is that?

Expression Encoder Silverlight 2 templates

The blue “I” gives you information about the template applied to your video/settings like: “The gallery bar in this template supports thumbnails, but not all your media files have them.” nice!

2 days ago we (RunAtServer Consulting) were invited by Microsoft Montreal to demo Silverlight during a presentation to their major media customers, we needed that SL2 templates to show VS2008 integration after export from Encoder 2, and had the chance to get a pre-version of the SP1 thanks to Joel!


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