Sharing session state over multiple ASP.NET applications with ASP.NET state server

There are many posts about sharing session state using Sql Server, but there are little information with out-of-process session state. The primary difficulty is that there is not an official way. While the source code for the Sql Server Session State is available in ASP.NET provider toolkit, there are scarce information on state server. The method introduced in this post is based on both public information as well as a little help from Reflector. I should warn that this method is considered as hacking as I use reflection to change private member. Therefore, it will not in partially trusted environment. Future version of the OutOfProcSessionStateStore class could break the compatibility too; users should use the principle discussed in the post to find the solution.

I will first discuss how ASP.NET state server used by out-of-proc session state works. According to the published protocol specification, ASP.NET state server is essentially a mini HTTP Server talking in customized HTTP. The key that ASP.NET used to lookup data is composed of an application id from HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppId, a hush of it and the SesionId stored in cookie. This is very similar to the Sql Server session state. Developers has been using reflection to modify the _appDomainAppId private variable before it is used by the SqlSessionStateStore. However, this method does not work with OutOfProcSessionStateStore because the way it was written.

When the ASP.NET session state http module is loaded, it uses the mode attribute of the sessionState element in the Web.Config file to determine which provider to load. If the mode is “StateServer”, the http module will load OutOfProcSessionStateStore and initialize it. The partial key it constructed is stored in the s_uribase private static variable. Since SessionStateModule loads very early in the pipeline, it is difficult to change the _appDomainAppId variable before OutOfProcSessionStateStore is loaded.

The solution is to change modify the data in OutOfProcSessionStateStore using reflection. According to ASP.NET life cycle, an application can actually load multiple HttpApplication instances. For each HttpApplication instance, ASP.NET will load the entire set of http modules configured in machine.config and web.config without specific order. After loading the http modules, ASP.NET will call the init method of the HttpApplication class, which can be subclassed in global.asax. Therefore, we can access the loaded OutOfProcSessionStateStore in the init method to modify it so that all the ASP.NET applications use the same application id to access the state server. ASP.NET is already good at keeping the sessionid the same cross applications. If this is not enough, we can supply a SessionIdManager.

So, we just need to place the following code in global.asax or code-behind:

As you can see, this code works purely because we hacked according to the way OutOfProcSessionStateStore was written. Future changes of OutOfProcSessionStateStore class may break our code, or may make our life harder or easier. I hope future version of ASP.NET will make it easier for us to control the application id used against the state server. If fact, Windows Azure already has a session state provider that allows sharing session state across applications.

Edited on 10/17/2011:

The previous version of the code only works in IIS6 or IIS7 classic mode. I made a change so that the code works in IIS7 integrated mode as well. What happen is that in IIS7 when Application.Init() is called, the module.init() is not yet called. So the _store variable is not yet initialized. We could change the _appDomainAppId of the HttpRuntime at this time as it will be picked up later when the session store is initialized. The session store will use a key in the form of AppId(Hash) to access the session. The Hash is generated from the AppId and the machine key. To ensure that all applications use the same key, it is important to explicitely specify the machine key in the machine.config or the web.config rather than using auto generated key. See for details and especially scroll down to the section "Sharing Authentication Tickets Across Applications".

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