
Archives / 2013 / May
  • The history.back and refresh problem

    It is fairly common in applications that we have a list page/details page pairs. When we need to add a new record or edit an existing record, we click on the “Add New” link or the “Edit” link from the list page to go to the details page. When we finish adding or editing, we go back to the list page and expect to see the information updated.

    At the first glance, developer can use history.back if no post-back occurred or use response.redirect if a post-back occurred. However, what if the list page has a filter or is at a page number other than the first? How do we return to where we were on the list page?

    If we search Bing on “history.back and refresh”, we can see a number of discussions. However, there are no good solutions. It is difficult to have a Javascript only solution because Javascript has the life time of a page. So we need a bit of assistance from the server but we do not want to leave session variables behind because we would leave many session variables behind if the application has many list/detail pairs. The following is one possible solution to the problem:

    1. Change links to the detail page on the list page to post-backs . For ASP.NET Web Form, this can be easily done by changing links to LinkButtons.
    2. Upon posting back to the list page, capture the current filter criteria and page number. Save the information to a session variable and do a response.redirect to the details page.
    3. From the details page, save the filter data from the list page into a hidden control or use ViewState if using ASP.NET Web Form. Remove the session variable.
    4. Use post-back in the details page for both “Save” and “Cancel”. Save the filter data into the session again and do a response.redirect to the list page.
    5. From the list page, check the existence of a session variable for filter. If it exists, populate the filter and page number and remove it from the session. We have thus returned to where we were on the list page and have left no trace of session variables behind.
  • Controlling the display of ASP.NET validator controls

    Recently, I worked on an old webform project and used the validation controls. I previously used some features of validation controls, but I encountered more scenarios this time. I found these controls are fairly flexible and can be configured to work in many different ways:

    Validator Controls

    The most important properties that control the display are Text, ErrorMessage and Display properties.

    What is the difference between the Text and ErrorMessage properties. According to MSDN:

    If the Text property is set, that text will override the text specified in the ErrorMessage property and appear in the validation control. However, the text specified by the ErrorMessage property always appears in the ValidationSummary control.

    One scenario is that you might set Text to “*” and ErrorMessage to the description of the error. You will see an “*” next to the control to validate and a details message in the validation summary section.

    The display property takes 3 values:

    Display Behavior Description
    The validation message is never displayed inline.
    Static Space for the validation message is allocated in the page layout.
    Dynamic Space for the validation message is dynamically added to the page if validation fails.

    To show error only in the validation summary section, set the Display property of the validator controls to None.

    Validation Summary Controls

    The most important properties that control the display are HeaderText, DisplayMode, ShowSummary and ShowMessageBox properties.

    If we turn Show Summary off and ShowMessageBox on, the summary will be displayed as a message box. Note that it is necessary to leave EnableClientScript to true to use ShowMessageBox.

    Supposing we only want to display a “*” next to each control and a generic message portion, we only need to test Text of each validator control to “*”, ErrorMessage to blank and set the generic message to the HeaderText of the ValidationSummary control.

    The ASP.NET validator controls have a good combination of properties to work out all the scenario that I encountered in the project.


    We are planning to update our very old web application so that it works better with modern web browsers. I have heard of in the past and decided to give it a try. The site has a scanner that can scan a URL entered by a user. Unfortunately, our site requires log-in before getting to the page we want to scan. Fortunately, the site also offers a downloadable scanner that we can use in our local development environment.

    I downloaded the scanner. It is packaged as a zip file. I unzipped the package and open the readme file. The tools requires node.js to work. Fortunately, it is fairly easy to setup the tool following the instructions. Firstly, download and install node.js; accept all defaults. The setup will add Node.js to the path. Although Node.js is known for hosting asynchronous web applications, it is actually just a javascript executing environment. Next, I open the command prompt, change to the directory that I unzipped the tool and run “node lib/service.js”. A node hosted web server is listening on port 1337 so we just need to open a web browser and points to http://localhost:1337/. We can then enter the URL of a web page to scan. The scanner submits the data to and a report is generated. The report is very good and it offers many suggestions and links that helps us to improve the page.