Visual Studio Code Metrics Cyclomatic Complexity & LINQ
Check about Cyclomatic Complexity.
Scrum Daily Work Evidence in TFS – End of Day Evidence (Part II)
For Part I: refer to this Post.
Visual Studio Code Metrics & Refactoring
“Refactoring is a disciplined technique for restructuring an existing body of code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior.” Martin Fowler
Scrum Daily Work Evidence in TFS – End of Day Evidence
A good Agile practice that I’ve personally tested is registering our daily work evidence using images. Source code images, screen images of our application, database tables, etc. Anything that could give other people a quick hint about our work.
VS2010 - Herramientas de Arquitectura (VS2010 - Architecture Tools) Screencast
Hope to see you there next Tuesday (28th). Register here