ISVs Head Explodes, film at 11

No, I'm not kidding. If I even think about thinking about Microsoft's license options for another second, my head will explode. Figuring out what license you need is about the most painful thing I've ever been though (and am still going though for that matter).

Is it a CAL? A TS-CAL? Is that a User CAL, Device CAL, User TS-CAL, or Device TS-CAL? Is that a CAL and a TS-CAL that you need? OK then, is it a FPP, Open Business License, Select Open Business License, or FPP Open Select Selective OEM System Builder Excalibur-Is-Cool License? Hello? Sir? Would you like a napkin that gray matter?



  • Great! 500 it is.

    Great! 500 it is.


  • I feel your pain !

  • <8-{

    Yea MS needs to Seriously "ReFactor" them COW's !

    IMHO I'd say dump most kinds / flavors and just have:

    Users CALS: access for a live human, in Qty's of 5 or any multiple of 5

    DEVICE CALS: any kind of hardware/software that is acting without a human.

    and have an "UNLIMITED" connection CAL for each of the kinds "Human" and "DEVICE"

    and just buy them "Per Server"

    so an UNLIMITED USER CAL on a given server means that any software on that server can server any user. so if that server has say SQL and Exchange you buy one cal for all of the above. if you need to move that SQL servce to another machine to spread the load then you buy some cal's for that other server.

    but thats too simple for the sales boys at ms i'm sure.

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