MSDE Deployment

This question was posed to me at a development meeting and I simply could not think of an answer.

If a user has SQL Server 2000 installed and then installs an instance of MSDE 2000, do the limits of MSDE remain? In other words, will that MSDE instance be limited to 5 batch jobs and have the same performance degradation that MSDE alone would have?



  • I think the question is why would you ever install MSDE if you already had SQL Server installed?

  • Chad, a vertical-market third-party app may be using it in an embedded manner. But I would hope any such app would disclose that fact and give you the option of using your database or theirs at installation time. (Although that would entail some level of compatibility checking--if the app was written to a newer version of MSDE and the customer is running SQL 6.0, you wouldn't want to offer them option of running your stuff there.)

  • I'm pretty sure all the DB_CONNCURRENCY stuff is done as properties of the system tables. So it all depends what Ent Manager does when I make a new table in an MSDE instance vs. SQL Server 2K instance. (Assuming they are different).

    It would also mean evil developers could make their MSDE DB's run a lot faster.


  • Now, I haven't tried this out, but I'll assume if MSDE tries to install itself as the default instance on a server, and one already exists (your normal sql server), then the install will fail.

    Now, if the vertical market app installs itself to a named instance then all the performance "problems" stlil exist. What a good installer would do is allow you to use an existing SQL Server instance, or optionaly install MSDE if you don't have SQL Server already.

    I'm not quite sure if Adam is right about being able to hax0r up MSDE though. I mean, what if you use OSQL or even just send stuff in via ADO.NET? Then Ent Manager has no way to slow things down for you. Of course, I've been known to be way wrong in the past, so take my answer with a grain of salt...

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