Code organization, namespaces, components and so forth
When working with Java at least one thing is pretty straight forward. You use packages and they have to map directly to directories on the harddrive. .NET is nicer and allows you to do whatever with sourcefiles, namespaces and project files. This can cause a real mess though, if you don't have a well-thought policy on how it should be done.
About me - an informal resume
Higher education
My company
Ambitions & Interests
Finally() -
PDF tools for .NET revisited
Seems like tools for PDF creation in .NET is popping up like mushrooms (norwegian expression). Thomas Johansen commented the native way of doing it back in feb. I did a scan in march and looked into NFop. Fabrices SharpToolbox has a growing list. Recently I discovered PdfCreator on gotdotnet written by Serdar Dirican, which is a free, great reporting tool with designer support for VS.NET. This one is a goodie. What it doesn't support although, is xsl transformations, so this must be done in code.
Will code for PDC ticket
As mentioned earlier, I'm going to the westcoast of the US this fall to attend OOPSLA. Somehow they've managed to place this on the same dates as PDC. I want to be able to see both, but programming backpackers can't even afford the exhibition-only pass at PDC. Anyone know of a contest, lottery or something I can attend to win a ticket?
Remoting Server and Client in same ASP.NET application
I've been using ASP.NET applications as remoting clients for a while now. Recently I wanted one of the applications to also act as a server and I wanted to expose a remoted object from the ASP.NET application. This is a bit tricky.
I am a Bachelor of Information Systems :-)
Last week I completed my degree: Bachelor of Information Systems! Last friday we celebrated the accomplishment in Oslo. As class president I hosted the celebration dinner and festivities. The party was a smashing success with live band, standup and tapas.
To ORmap ORnot To ORmap
The discussion on OR mapping and the use of datasets vs. custom domain entity objects is running hot on Andres blog. Frans Bouma and Jesse Ezell took a look at my last entry before they moved in at Andres place.
Remoting Server and Client in same application
I've tried all day to configure a service (server) and a client on the same ASP.NET application. Others seem to have the same problem. This exception is flipping me out:
Should the struggle for OR mapping continue?
Paul Gielens is struggeling with OR mapping:
Personal Blog Censorship
Roy is censoring himself because he is conserned about what future employers think of his rants. Although I have the impression that Roy doesn't have much to be embarrassed of, I've been thinking about this concern related to a custom blogtool I'm planning.