1. How did you first get interested in computer science and tech and what do you most like about (or doing with) computers now?
Visit on campus
In my attempt to get my red pill i went to building 19 at the Microsoft campus today. I was on my way to meet up with Robert Wlodarczyk, when he suggested stopping by recruitment to see what happened. I went into the reception and was gracefully discharged and told to keep on applying through the website. Not surprised I returned towards my car when to my luck, some microsoft recruiters was having some cigarettes outside.
On Microsoft Campus!
Finally I've arrived at the Microsoft campus. Robert showed me around building 10 and invited me to join the bloggerdinner tonight!
Finishing up OOPSLA
OOPSLA '03 was concluded for my part today with a panel discussion on "Application Servers - One size fits all...or not". Microsoft, Oracle, Sun and IBM was represented, but the questions did not lead to any real substance. Microsofts Technical Evangelist on the scene was as usual excellent and way more drilled than the other participants.
Sneeking in on the PDC
Well, then I made it to the PDC after all, as I am using their free connection now (LA prices for netusage are insane so it's actually a treat). Just met norwegian Morten Abrahamsen and Clemens Vasters in the lobby and I hope to meet more familiar people in my roaming.
First two days at OOPSLA '03
I arreived in Anaheim on Saturday night after driving from San Diego through the raging fires of southern California. A true disaster! Just barely making OOPSLA registration saturday night, sunday became a long day as I missed daylight savings and got up at 5 am.
Back to Civilization
Well, after four weeks in Fidels Cuba and another two in Mexico I feel like I've returned to civilization (no offence to cubans or mexicans) with last nights passing of the Tijuana border to San Diego.
Hello from Trinidad!
I've been travelling for 1,5 weeks now and finished Havana and Varadero in Cuba. Vacation is great actually, even though I'm probably the only one in the entire nation with a notebook. The family i live with had never seen either digital cameras nor notebooks before and it became a family event.
I'm off!
After a couple of hectic weeks and a couple of extremely hectic days I've finally moved out of my flat and I'm ready to go for a 4 week vacation to Cuba tomorrow. (See my about pages for a little more details).
Web Setup Projects
Every time I get the time to sit down and get into some part of the framework or VS.NET that I don't know well i deeply regret not having done that before.
XSD Designer will not open in VS with Office 2003 Beta installed
I've just finished setting up my new Dell D600 notebook, and as always surprises occur. I was about to edit my typed dataset XSD file when nothing happened in VS.NET 2002. The XSD designer would not open. I then tried to add a new dataset to the project to manually move the schema. Then I got this nice message:
Standalone DataRow isn't Serializable
If you look up the DataRow class in the .NET Framework documentation you'll see this:
GotDotNet Workspaces Project Stats
I've been using GDN Workspaces since day 1 with VS.NET integration. I simply love it!
My Projects: Past, Present and Future
Page contains descriptions of my software development projects; past, present and future projects. As I get the time, I will write thorough descriptions on all projects and maybe also include some documentation.
Crypto is Cryptic
Today I somewhat unvolunteerily dove into System.Security.Cryptography. It became a shortstory and i picked up several useful pointers on the way. I finally got a cryptoclass together that is supposed to be pretty safe according to secure sources.
A days Cryptowork with ASP.NET and Remoting
Sending password and such over remoting feels a bit unsafe. In the first release of the user management system I'm working on, this was not a top priority to cover, but sooner than first assumed I had to implement cryptography in each end of the line. I am no big cahuña on crypto and frankly all these terms scares me a bit. SHA. DES & TripleDES, MD5, DSA, RSA, Rijndael and more. It's a whole new world of TBA's. I read that the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithms were the coolest ones, so I went with Rijndael.
Tables != Classes
Erik fights for the removal of [TableName] from primarykey-names and sets an equal sign between Table and Class.
Partial Types potential for ASP.NET2.0
At Lambda the Ultimate it doesn't seem to be much enthusiasm about the new partial type construct in C#. Microsoft is introducing this new feature to enable separation of classes to separate files, thus simplyfing code-generation.
Platformpreference and young people
Martin is speculating about young developers platform preference. Beeing a young developer at 23 and just two months out of school I can somewhat relate to Martins assumptions. Among most "regular computer geeks" in my school there were virtually none that perferred Microsoft technology. They all wanted java and linux. These were naturally also often some of the best students (although some were just lost). The Norwegian demoscene (, which is among the most active in the world, is dominated by youth, and java have the majority of votes. It's the "doItFromTheCore" and "the less user friendly the better" mentality.
More on Typed DataSets
on something else than a string the MSDataSetGenerator will fail to generate any code file at all. Usually when errors are detected in the XSD both the xsx and cs file is generated with only an error message, but now this did not happen.
Databound TextBoxes and CheckBoxes in ASP.NET
I recently made a fairly simple crud app in User management was the theme, and a whoole lotta columns was supposed to be edited in a nice and tidy fashion. Of course the standard TextBox is not databindable and I ended up with approximately 200 lines looking like this:
MS Visio Coolness
Yesterday I decided to fiddle around with MS Visio for Enterprise Architects database modelling tools. After drawing up and validating a pretty straight-forward use case i created a new Database Model Diagram Template from visio. After telling Visio to use the Sql Server ODBC driver I got all the Sql datatypes correct for my Entity construction. Relationships creates foreign keys automatically.
Using PricipalPermission for Declarative role based Authorization
[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Authenticated=true, Role = "Administrator")]
StackOverflowException in Typed Dataset
I just killed a System.StackOverflowException that occured when calling the GetChanges() method on my typed Dataset.
Win2003 Server gains on linux : More work for us
Windows 2003 server seems to be doing well and the server base to run .NET applications gets bigger -> Good news! 300% increase in active sites running 2003 in three months. And 8000 Windows 2003 servers have replaced Linux. More at Netcraft. Combined with Microsofts $90M deal with US homeland security they should be pretty happy these days.
Dynamically loaded controls in ASP.NET
Every time I've embarked on ASP.NET projects the dynamically loaded controls have been the big bad wolf. I always seem to loose track of load and reload and state somewhere along the way. A few weeks ago I searched for a containercontrol that handeled this issue and only found a dead link to a component by Denis Bauer.
ListBox Selection is null / -1 on PostBack
Sometimes stupid errors take up the most time because you get used to handle complex problems.
eDocument gets publicity!
The first release of our product eDocument has made headlines today in Norways two biggest e-zines: and (unfortunately all in norwegian).
Set codegen:nullValue in your XSD and get... null?!
Yup. That's right. You've been a good boy (or girl) and annotated your typed dataset XSD with codegen:nullValue attributes to instruct the codegenerator in how to handle DBNull values. And you actually thought the MSDataSetGenerator would care? Well it does, if you add the minOccurs="0" aswell. Otherwise nothing happens.
Typed DataSets with many to many relationships
Ever wondered how to construct multitable DataSets in a proper manner? Whether to use one dataadapter or several? Just found this one on MSDN:
Code organization, namespaces, components and so forth
When working with Java at least one thing is pretty straight forward. You use packages and they have to map directly to directories on the harddrive. .NET is nicer and allows you to do whatever with sourcefiles, namespaces and project files. This can cause a real mess though, if you don't have a well-thought policy on how it should be done.
About me - an informal resume
Higher education
My company
Ambitions & Interests
Finally() -
PDF tools for .NET revisited
Seems like tools for PDF creation in .NET is popping up like mushrooms (norwegian expression). Thomas Johansen commented the native way of doing it back in feb. I did a scan in march and looked into NFop. Fabrices SharpToolbox has a growing list. Recently I discovered PdfCreator on gotdotnet written by Serdar Dirican, which is a free, great reporting tool with designer support for VS.NET. This one is a goodie. What it doesn't support although, is xsl transformations, so this must be done in code.
Will code for PDC ticket
As mentioned earlier, I'm going to the westcoast of the US this fall to attend OOPSLA. Somehow they've managed to place this on the same dates as PDC. I want to be able to see both, but programming backpackers can't even afford the exhibition-only pass at PDC. Anyone know of a contest, lottery or something I can attend to win a ticket?
Remoting Server and Client in same ASP.NET application
I've been using ASP.NET applications as remoting clients for a while now. Recently I wanted one of the applications to also act as a server and I wanted to expose a remoted object from the ASP.NET application. This is a bit tricky.
I am a Bachelor of Information Systems :-)
Last week I completed my degree: Bachelor of Information Systems! Last friday we celebrated the accomplishment in Oslo. As class president I hosted the celebration dinner and festivities. The party was a smashing success with live band, standup and tapas.
To ORmap ORnot To ORmap
The discussion on OR mapping and the use of datasets vs. custom domain entity objects is running hot on Andres blog. Frans Bouma and Jesse Ezell took a look at my last entry before they moved in at Andres place.
Remoting Server and Client in same application
I've tried all day to configure a service (server) and a client on the same ASP.NET application. Others seem to have the same problem. This exception is flipping me out:
Should the struggle for OR mapping continue?
Paul Gielens is struggeling with OR mapping:
Personal Blog Censorship
Roy is censoring himself because he is conserned about what future employers think of his rants. Although I have the impression that Roy doesn't have much to be embarrassed of, I've been thinking about this concern related to a custom blogtool I'm planning.
Wayne saves the day for my XML -> Excel parser
You need to build some experience to get really effective working with XML. I've struggeled with quirks and rarities the past days. Today Wayne Allen solved my final non-trivial problem with SelectSingleNode, XmlNamespaceManger and XPath. Who would beleive that default namespaces wasn't supported? It should at least be documented!
CMP & JDO Compared
It's always interesting checking out what they are doing on the other side of the fence. David Jordan and Craig Russel compares the two emerging persistence mechanisms on the java platform : Container Managed Persistence and Java Data Objects. The exerpt is found on O'Reilly.
Documentation of Microsoft sample apps
Any minute now I'll maybe get the time to really have a thurough look at Microsofts Windows forms sample app TaskVision. I would have had a pretty good idea about how it is built now though if they (Microsoft) would start using UML to document their samples. The guys at EMEA that are working on the new Patterns & Practices initiative are using UML for all their work, which is GREAT. Probably it has something to do with most of them beeing former j2ee wiz's.
Norwegian Characters Crashes the xslt Load()
It's not only Al Quaida (or whatever spelling that is) that have something against Norwegians these days.
XslTransform doesn't write Xml Declaration with XmlDocument
Took quite some time to find out, but it seems as though the System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform method does not write the Xml Declaration when you pass it a System.Xml.XmlDocument. Given the following Xml input (simple.xml):
Singleton and Ingo's RemotingHelper
I have been using Ingo Rammer's RemotingHelper class for a while now. I'm not a big fan of a lot of statics in my apps so I rewrote it to a Singleton class based on microsofts suggestion for C#. The problem with this was that the constructor for the RemotingHelper class were run before RemotingConfiguration.Configure()which naturally caused problems.
Remoting Typed Datasets - the tryouts
Andres stepped up quickly with some hints to my previous blogentry. I tried out the ADO.NET Powertoys which contained several features. Because it was poorly documented, and I just needed one of the features, I think I'll wait for a later release.
I could have given DeKlarit a shot, but I simply like fiddeling with architecture too much to give away everything to a framework:) -
Typed Datasets and .NET Remoting
I didn't really like the DataSets too much. I felt they did too much. After having a discussion on strongly typed datasets with Roy Osherove a couple of weeks ago I decided to put my DataAccess framework with ValueObjects, DataAccessObjects and ServiceFactory/Locators on the shelf for a little while and give strongly typed datasets a real go.
Aren't Typed Datasets XSD really Contracts?
Roy found the xsd tool recently and got the typed datasets to scale. I still don't like them.
Enterprise Solutions Patterns released
The document I referred to here are now availible from MSDN filled to the rim with good design suggestions, and with contributions by a whole bunch of smart people (Fowler, Cunningham and more..) Read up! :
Delegates in VB.NET
Today I had use VB.NET to alter a gui component, and got curious about the usage of delegates for events.
J2EE vs .NET : rest of the worlds perspective
Sometimes we forget how the rest of the world (read: non-softwaredevelopers) view our industry. I've been searching for sound platform comparisons related to a paper I'm writing on Software Reengineering with J2EE (and want to show how .NET would be the better alternative).
Get Tiers, Layers, Services, Contracts, and Aspects sorted out with Clemens & Steve
Clemens Vasters and Steve Swartz sorts things out in their upcoming/ongoing Scalable Applications tour.
Debugging Web Services over HTTPS
dneimke wrote in this post:
"[..]the *crap* I went through today trying to consume a WebService over Https." -
CodeProject got even better
I've written an article describing how i did this and was happy to see that CodeProject has implemented a rather nice article submission function. Earlier they just had a article HTML template and a submissions@codeproject email thing. Really nice. Now it's even easier to contribute.
Remote Happiness
For a long time I've been really really scared of those old guys talking about COM. Fortunately, a while ago, I realized that I probably never had to learn this stuff because I am a pure .NET developer, and I could just simply learn .NET Remoting (an excuse good enough for me). Not that I actually knew how it worked.
They have to be joking
In an interessant article on .NET Security in multi tier applications, which is part of the new Patterns & Practices effort from ms, a new feature of Windows 2003 Server is introduced in a note:
Annoying parameters and exceptions
There are some small annoying discrepancies in the .net framework. Some are real, and some are just due to my lack of understanding of the genious of the designers who made it this way.
Some cool design guidelines from Microsoft
Got a few tips for architecture related links from Arvindra Sehmi, a very smart guy and Senior Architect at MSFT EMEA HQ in the UK that I just added to my linkscollection here at dotnetweblogs. Especially I liked this huge doc at MSDN:
Prevalence is cool
I think prevalence is cool. Why? Because it's such an "unthinkable" concept. It's almost tabu. I like the lightly smug attitude of the guys at because they have actually created something based on this idea and are provocative enough for the RDBMS crowd to actually come up with good arguments.
Wrox looking good!
This book, C# Design Patterns Applied, was recently released on Wrox, so it seems as they are still going on despite of financial troubles.
I saw this recent MSDN TV episode about ASP.NET client side script handling. As a sworn hater of client side scripts I played the clip in horror, but found that as long as I can assign these scrips to my pages serverside (and dynamically) they are actually pretty cool.
MVC Pattern for Windows Forms
I've been working with implementing a MVC pattern for a WinForms app that got unmanagable lately. I'm currently trying out the solution and it seems to have something going for it.
Blog from Bagdad!
The whole world is watching at the moment. Whilst CNN is not very updated Salam Pax is actually blogging from Bagdad!
Software development - a cooperative game
I just attended a talk with Alistair Cockburn on software development processes and the human factor.
Persist through winter
Another exiting Java based project is going .NET. I've done a lot of reading on persitance frameworks and OR mapping lately and Hibernate is definately getting a go. Firstly in Java, but hopefully the guys at the NHibernate project can get something going aswell.. Read more at Edgar Sanchez's blog
ViewState Handling for Radiobuttonlists in ASP.NET
Used the past hour to figure this out:
SOA and good architectures with Microsoft
David Plummer, group vice president of Gartner Inc says:
NullReference when noone listens
I just finished an MVC implementation for WinForms as a tutorial for whomever and as a walkthrough for myself to see if I could find a nice tidy way to organize my ever increasingly Forms classes. I noticed something I just can't figure out.
Really useful old farts;)
Beeing not-even-out-of school, my eagerness to learn from experienced programmers and developers is constantly present. Having the luxury of time to spend on every single technological and theoretical new thing that appears, studentlife makes a good deal.
XSL-FO and NFop
To sum up this afternoon of exploring .NET/pdf options, XSL-FO seems like an attractive possibility.
.NET and generating PDF
I've been looking for good PDF generating tools for a couple of months now but no good alternative has appeared.
OO/Patterns and MS
According to Edgar Sanchez, Martin Fowler is now starting to use C# examples in his book (thanks for the tip about the book Edgar!).
Intellisense for NAnt build files in VS.NET
Just made the intellisense schema work.. Maybe not complete yet but it helps.
Syntax highlighting for alternative file ext. in VS.NET
I really like VS.NET. It's really great. But I'm starting to question my own iq here as I just used over one hour figuring out how to get xml syntax highlighting in my NAnt build files.
Beans in Spaces
I just got a comment from Jesse Ezell who tip'ed me about ObjectSpaces. I actually wrote a rather large blogentry as a reply and roundup of my previous post on EJB CMP and possible .NET counterparts. But then I actually managed to loose the whole thing.
"As soon as I get the time I'm gonna contribute to some cool opensource project."
EJB-CMP/CMR/EJB-QL sounds nice. What to use in .NET?
In my recent post I talked about the problems with selecting an architecture that supports handling of large object structures in memory.
Business Delegate Pattern and Service Oriented Architectures
As I'm working in the lightly unfamiliar environment of J2EE these days, in the ongoing bachelor project. I'm using lots of time getting all the pattern definitions right. Most recently the Business Delegate (Sun's blueprint) pattern was refreshed (all of this probably has been in my curriculum last year, but you can't remember everything either).
"Corporate Weblog manifesto" at Robert Scoble's weblog is great reading for me as a n00b blogger, and everyone else aswell.. And it isnt' necissarily only for corp. people.
IBM Bullseye
Just read Business Solution (Norwegian edition) and found a quote of the norwegian IBM CEO.
Object hierarchies in memory and pattern usage strategies.
[this should maybe be a story, and is under construction. I plan to add som models etc. comment if you like! but its more to come... ]
humble suggestions
To avoid hammering ScottW with mails about every little itsy bitsy detail that I might comment on this really great and promising blog solution I decided to collect it all in this blogentry as my humble suggestions (correct me if I'm wrong!):
Naming to keep it all unmain
I just read ScottW's post on naming gadgets in a certain theme.. This reminded me to post one of the worlds most funny programming site ever written. It also gave me the idea to start my own category for collecting funny unmain practices (to be used when your employer starts to misbehave)
Blogging commenced