More on Typed DataSets
on something else than a string the MSDataSetGenerator will fail to generate any code file at all. Usually when errors are detected in the XSD both the xsx and cs file is generated with only an error message, but now this did not happen.
Databound TextBoxes and CheckBoxes in ASP.NET
I recently made a fairly simple crud app in User management was the theme, and a whoole lotta columns was supposed to be edited in a nice and tidy fashion. Of course the standard TextBox is not databindable and I ended up with approximately 200 lines looking like this:
MS Visio Coolness
Yesterday I decided to fiddle around with MS Visio for Enterprise Architects database modelling tools. After drawing up and validating a pretty straight-forward use case i created a new Database Model Diagram Template from visio. After telling Visio to use the Sql Server ODBC driver I got all the Sql datatypes correct for my Entity construction. Relationships creates foreign keys automatically.
Using PricipalPermission for Declarative role based Authorization
[PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Authenticated=true, Role = "Administrator")]
StackOverflowException in Typed Dataset
I just killed a System.StackOverflowException that occured when calling the GetChanges() method on my typed Dataset.
Win2003 Server gains on linux : More work for us
Windows 2003 server seems to be doing well and the server base to run .NET applications gets bigger -> Good news! 300% increase in active sites running 2003 in three months. And 8000 Windows 2003 servers have replaced Linux. More at Netcraft. Combined with Microsofts $90M deal with US homeland security they should be pretty happy these days.
Dynamically loaded controls in ASP.NET
Every time I've embarked on ASP.NET projects the dynamically loaded controls have been the big bad wolf. I always seem to loose track of load and reload and state somewhere along the way. A few weeks ago I searched for a containercontrol that handeled this issue and only found a dead link to a component by Denis Bauer.
ListBox Selection is null / -1 on PostBack
Sometimes stupid errors take up the most time because you get used to handle complex problems.
eDocument gets publicity!
The first release of our product eDocument has made headlines today in Norways two biggest e-zines: and (unfortunately all in norwegian).
Set codegen:nullValue in your XSD and get... null?!
Yup. That's right. You've been a good boy (or girl) and annotated your typed dataset XSD with codegen:nullValue attributes to instruct the codegenerator in how to handle DBNull values. And you actually thought the MSDataSetGenerator would care? Well it does, if you add the minOccurs="0" aswell. Otherwise nothing happens.
Typed DataSets with many to many relationships
Ever wondered how to construct multitable DataSets in a proper manner? Whether to use one dataadapter or several? Just found this one on MSDN: