
Archives / 2003 / August
  • I'm off!

    After a couple of hectic weeks and a couple of extremely hectic days I've finally moved out of my flat and I'm ready to go for a 4 week vacation to Cuba tomorrow. (See my about pages for a little more details).

  • XSD Designer will not open in VS with Office 2003 Beta installed

    I've just finished setting up my new Dell D600 notebook, and as always surprises occur. I was about to edit my typed dataset XSD file when nothing happened in VS.NET 2002. The XSD designer would not open. I then tried to add a new dataset to the project to manually move the schema. Then I got this nice message:

  • Crypto is Cryptic

    Today I somewhat unvolunteerily dove into System.Security.Cryptography. It became a shortstory and i picked up several useful pointers on the way. I finally got a cryptoclass together that is supposed to be pretty safe according to secure sources.

  • A days Cryptowork with ASP.NET and Remoting

    Sending password and such over remoting feels a bit unsafe. In the first release of the user management system I'm working on, this was not a top priority to cover, but sooner than first assumed I had to implement cryptography in each end of the line. I am no big cahuña on crypto and frankly all these terms scares me a bit. SHA. DES & TripleDES, MD5, DSA, RSA, Rijndael and more. It's a whole new world of TBA's. I read that the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) algorithms were the coolest ones, so I went with Rijndael.

  • Platformpreference and young people

    Martin is speculating about young developers platform preference. Beeing a young developer at 23 and just two months out of school I can somewhat relate to Martins assumptions. Among most "regular computer geeks" in my school there were virtually none that perferred Microsoft technology. They all wanted java and linux. These were naturally also often some of the best students (although some were just lost). The Norwegian demoscene (, which is among the most active in the world, is dominated by youth, and java have the majority of votes. It's the "doItFromTheCore" and "the less user friendly the better" mentality.