
Archives / 2004
  • Multiple Browsers Window Injection Vulnerability (Fix?)

    I have done some test on the new vulnerability of most common browsers. I tried to get more information on how to fix this. First I tried to get the URL of the popup window, but the problem is that … more

  • Multiple Browsers Window Injection Vulnerability

    Secunia Research has reported a vulnerability, which affects most browsers. The vulnerability can be exploited by a malicious web site to "hi-jack" a named browser window, regardless of which web … more

  • SQL Server Stored Procedures Class

    The last days I had to build a web application with a lot of stored procedures to a SQL Server database. Because I had to change parameters very often I decided to write a simple wrappr for these … more

  • Google indexing your hard disk

    For all the Google fans, here is the first local Google search: I have installed it and it is a really good implementation to If you search on … more

  • Create a copy of an existing SQL Server database

    I was searching for an easy way to create a copy of an existing live database and put it on the same SQL Server in a test database. Because I didn't find a good stored procedure I build my own SQL. … more

  • Windows XP Service Pack 2 Security Problems

    I read on the heise c't magazine security list some security issues with the Service Pack 2 for Windows XP. The article talks about the zone identifier in the NTFS file. If you download a file from … more

  • SMTP Server (create temporary email addresses)

    I am still developing my own SMTP server. A lot of people asked me why do I don't offer a POP3 server to get the emails. "Only a webfrontent is not enough for us...!" Ok, I started to create a … more

  • A sample on how to use the SetCookieEx function

    A lot of pages in my intranet application are using now the SetCookieEx functions. One of my .HTC components will be similar to the System.Collections.CollectionBase object in .NET. You can add this . … more

  • Use Javascript objects like you do it in C#

    While developing websites (intranet applications) I had to save a lot of information on the client or for a user. First, I used cookies to save information. I noticed that I can only save up to 20 … more

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (beta) installation files

    For the installation of the new Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (beta) you have to copy the files from c:\6091bfe0e40c1cb8ef (perhaps this id is different). Note: You cannot copy the complete folder … more

  • Visual Express 2005 (beta) installation

    If you start the installation for the new Visual Express 2005 (beta) developer tools you will need more time while installing because of the additional download of the tools (.NET Framework 2, ...). … more

  • SMTP Server (more tests please)

    First, I will thank you for your help in the last weeks! It was a pleasure for me getting so much feedback. As you know already I am on developing a SMTP server in C#. Now, the current release is … more

  • WebService calls using Javascript (user experience)

    SORRY: Here is the URL In one of my old postings I talked about Javascript consuming WebServices. Some guy talkled to me and said "Hmmm, Javascript and WebServices? … more

  • Change MSDE Security and Authentication

    Yesterday evening someone of the INETA User Group Franken (Germany) asked me how to change the MSDE Security and Authentication. I will describe in some short words how to do this: - During … more

  • Only develop for Internet Explorer 6?

    I do not know if you already saw the Google Zeitgeist. But I think it is a good statistic on how the people browse through the internet. If i look at my own statistic log files I can see a similiar … more

  • Create code-behind files for resource.resx

    As I saw in the next generation of Visual Studio .NET there is a code-behind file for resource files. I tought this is an idea to create a small macro doing the same job. You can copy the following … more

  • .NET Developer Meetings to look at code samples

    I'd like to start a a developer meeting in Germany (Nuremberg) the next months. The idea is different from the idea of the .NET user groups. I heared about the INETA communities, but the problem here … more

  • Remove login pages to a seperate page!

    I looked arround in the web to find websites with security lecks. After months there is no change to the webmasters, they still offer login textboxes side-by-side to guestbooks or weblogs. Some weeks … more

  • VML class with Source Code

    What do you think about our first VML class. I will spend more time on it to enable full scripting support for VML elements. At the moment it is only a first test. It is working as the Graphics GDI … more

  • RSS Reader (or is it Feed Reader) Class Library

    I am searching for a good .NET class library for RSS feeds that is free and can be redistributed also for free. Does anyone know a good version? Because I did not find a free version I started to do … more

  • Preinstalled .NET Framework

    This week I am in Madrid, Spain, to install our software for a new customer. They have bought some new PCs, and the nice thing is that there is already a preinstalled version of Microsoft .NET … more

  • Is this a security leck, what do you mean?

     window.status=\'Is this a security leck?\';';}catch(e){}" The last months there are a lot of discussions about the SCRIPT tag in WYSIWIG HTML editors. A lot of companies allow the user to add … more

  • Windows XP SP2 Firewall and ConsoleApplication1

    If you are using the new Windows XP SP2 (at the moment in beta) there will apear the firewall settings if one of your programs try to access the internet or are listening on at least one port. The … more

  • Import XML Nodes from differnet XmlDocuments

    Everytime I see a developer coming from Visual Basic or Javascript doing some XML developemnt I get a question: How do I import a XmlNode from a different XmlDocument? Here is the short answer: … more

  • DataGrid with optional columns and automatic width/height

    I have created a first test for a datagrid that allows you to add optional columns that are displayed if there is enough space on the screen. The columns have a minimum width and can grow as there … more

  • Do you know the year 1601??

    Today I tried to get the CreationTime of the bin/webapplication1.dll. I was in the wrong directory, so there was no webapplication1.dll. The nice think was, that I did not get any exception and a … more

  • SMTP and POP3 Server beta running for testing

    Currently not available! I have installed a demo of the SMTP and POP3 beta on one of my PCs. You can try using this with following settings: POP3/SMTP Server:, Username: … more

  • SMTP and POP3 Server with SQL Storage

    Yesterday evening I found my old source code that was missing about two weeks after reinstalling my Windows XP. So, I have added the SQL storage for my incomming emails. For the moment you can only … more