ScriptManager and MasterPage PageMethods !
I know that this subject has been asked many times therefore i would like to summarize it and give a small tutorial about how to do it.
Publish Server Performance Monitors with MsChart
In this article I'll try to show you how to to use MsChart Controls with ajax update panel to publish your server performance counter variables.
MIX09 10K Smart Coding Challenge
For Smart Coding and Smart Coders !
Extend Forms Authentication Ticket Depending on Session Time Out
I know that this subject is not new! but last week one of my students asked me about how we can extend client authentication ticket according to session time out. We should do some coding to achieve such a goal.
WRN: Assembly binding logging turned off
I started to received this error since yesterday and after i add an assembly reflection to retrieve the assembly version. Interesting thing that when the application is deployed to IIS it starts to work fine! but after some time i started to receive this error "WRN: Assembly binding logging turned off", my reflected assembly can not be found! WHAT!!!!! just before 10 sec it was working!!. I debugged my codes and find out that there is nothing wrong, after that i decided to clean all temp files on the iis server and restart iis again.But before i restart iis i recopied the "Lost DLL" ( which it was not lost) to my application bin folder and yuppie its working again. in my situation it usually takes about 30 min to lose the dll :D, 1 hour passed and nothing happened until now.
UCertify Prep-Kit (070-553 C#) Review
If you are working in IT section you know very well that the knowledge you have can not be measured easily. You may spend years on the same position without any rise just because you are not able to show how much you know about your work and section. Therefore many companies like Microsoft have started certification programs which will help you to measure your knowledge and show the world that you have good experience in your subject. I believe that when you get certified, you will measure and show your knowledge, beside that you'll raise your life style and salary!
.net Workshop
while surfing i found out that there is people that love to share knowladge. one of them is Richard Grimes. He shared a full workshop about three subjects;
Log Off OWA from Code Behind
After many tries and havey googling to find out the best way to log off OWA from page code behind while logging out from my main application, i found out that this can be achieved in one way ( in my position). Rise a small popup window and call OWA log out page!
Observer Pattern C#
Observer Pattern C#
I wrote a small tutorial about how to use observer patter; view the article here.
Access OWA with C# inside Site
public partial class OpenOwaPage : System.Web.UI.Page
private string userName;
private string passWord;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
passWord = "password";
userName ="username";
private string LoadOWAPostJS(string strFormId)
//Constructs the JS needed to post the data to Realex and returns it
StringBuilder strScript = new StringBuilder();
strScript.Append("<script language='javascript'>");
strScript.Append("var ctlForm = document.forms.namedItem('{0}');");
strScript.Append("ctlForm.username.value=\"" + userName + "\";");
strScript.Append("ctlForm.password.value=\"" + passWord + "\";");
return String.Format(strScript.ToString(), strFormId);
private string CreateOWAFrom()
//Constructs the Realex HTML form and returns it
StringBuilder strForm = new StringBuilder();
strForm.AppendLine("<form id=\"logonForm\" name=\"logonForm\" target=\"_self\" action=\"https://your_Owa_Adress/exchweb/bin/auth/owaauth.dll\" method=\"post\">");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"destination\" value=\"https://your_Owa_Adress/exchange/\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"flags\" value=\"0\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"username\" id=\"username\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password\" id=\"password\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"SubmitCreds\" name=\"SubmitCreds\" value=\"Connection\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"rdoRich\" name=\"forcedownlevel\" value=\"0\"/>");
strForm.AppendLine("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"rdoPublic\" name=\"trusted\" value=\"0\"/>");
return strForm.ToString();
Sometimes you maybe not able to access your OWA because of your Browser configuration, add your OWA website address to your Browser trusted site to solve this problem. If you do not want to logoff from OWA with the regular logoff button, read this (click here). Otherwise you'll enter OWA any time you type OWA address. -
Windows 7 Features
There is some new features which will come with windows 7 makes me feel that Vista was like Windows Millennium (ME). Any way i beleive that Windows 7 will open and new age in operating systems.
- Unhandled Exception (Elmah)
My client asked to handle all unhandled exception and log then in sql database. Beside that they want to log handled exception too. So after some googling i found an open source project for exception handling, ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers). I found it very easy to configure Elmah to the project, i forgot to say that the project is a Running project. There is no need to write and single code line, all about web.config configuration. I wrote some lines to log the handled exception and log them.
Encrypt web.config including external appsettings and connectionstrings files
Web.config encryption with external files by using aspnet_regiis made my go crazy; but i found a way to do that;
Encrypt Web.Config including External appSettings and ConnectionStrings Files.
Before two days from now, the project that I'm working one required a web.config encryption. I know that encrypting web.config nodes is very easy with aspnet_regiis.exe! but i found me self in a big google jungle!.
AspNetCompiler inside Cruise Control (ccnet) Blocks
AspNetCompiler block made my go crazy in the last two days until i was able to use it with ccnet. I'll show a small sample about how to use AspNetCompiler with ccnet:
Create CCNet ( CruiseControl.Net ) config file (ccnet.config) more easy!
While I'm trying to setup the framework of our new project which is related with E-Government projects; i looked around for an easy way which might help me to configure the config file of the CCNet. the normal configuration file is Xml and it is not that much easy to edit. I found a visual ccnetConfig create on codeplex which helps you to create your config file easier. Hope this helps you as much as it did to me.
VS 2008 SP1 Released!
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 released.
Visual Studio Add-Ins
There is many ways to make your life easy with Visual Studio. Here is some vs2005-vs2008 add-ins which you'll love to use it.
In the last few years developer start to use SOA in many applications, because of that many new developers are too much excited to use SOA and apply the architecture of it to their applications. I found out that many applications start to be more complicated (while the application is too much simple without SOA). So, when to use SOA.
First we must know what is the meaning of SOA (not as Service-oriented architecture); it’s a kind of architecture to be used over software and web applications to increase the applications flexibility according to business requirements. SOA gives the ability to software and applications to exchange data and functionality by using xml services over the network. -
To expand SQL server usage, Microsoft distrbuted Sql Server 2005 PHP driver. download it from here
Register User Web Controls (ascx) Globally