Add-Ins Gallery Update
Here are a few more example add-ins...
- Lutz Roeder's Reflector runnain as an Add-In
- Lutz Roeder's Documentor runnain as an Add-In (it would be quite strait forward to keep in sync with the code you're editing if you fancy and add-in project)
- Screenshot of Control Inspector running as an add-in inspecting Visual Studio Convert which also appears as an add-in.
- Command Prompt Add-In using the Pavel Zolnikov's Command Prompt Explorer Bar control. Here is a version that can be run as an add-in.
- SqlBuddy running as an Add-In. SqlBuddy expects to find the Icons directory relative to the current directory. When running inside Visual Studio.NET the current directory is \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Common7\IDE\. As a work around you can copy the Icons directory there. A better solution would be for the application to look for the Icons relative to AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.
- Here is a screenshot of Messenger.NET running as an add-in. Messenger.NET is a messenger client. It is minimalist compared the the Microsoft Messanger, but that is it's beauty! It will happily run in a tool window without beeping, flashing and generaly bothering you!
Command Prompt Add-In
I've uploaded a build of Pavel Zolnikov's excelent Command Prompt Explorer Bar ready to drop in as an add-in. Be sure to check out the original version. It is now one of my can't live without utilities!
Add-In Toolbox Explained
Yesterday I posted a picture of the new add-in toolbox. I should really explain what the different items do...
New Add-In Toolbox
Gallery First Few...
- Lutz Roeder's Reflector runnain as an Add-In
- Screenshot of Control Inspector running as an add-in inspecting Visual Studio Convert which also appears as an add-in.
- Command Prompt Add-In using the Pavel Zolnikov's Command Prompt Explorer Bar control
Managed Add-Ins Gallery
You've got to start somewhere. Here's a rather sparse Managed Add-Ins Gallery. Please send your screenshots and links here.
Ah, so that is how you do it! I was going through all sorts of convoluted ways to simply find out if a DLL was managed (without loading it). It looks like that one call will do the trick.
Quick Launch
I've uploaded new versions of Managed Add-Ins and the Reflector Add-In. I've added a 'Quick Launch' menu to quickly start and stop your add-ins. I think this was needed before going properly beta (i.e. feature complete). You can dowanlod the new versions from here.
Reflector Add-In RC1
If there are a few downloads and no complaints, this is the version that is going out. Please comment here and let me know how you get on...
Building the Reflector Add-In
I've just written an article for the Code Project describing how you can easily create an VS.NET add-in like the Reflector one I posted screen shots of a while ago. I'm sorry I haven't got back to many of you who expressed interest in it. This reason is because I haven't been happy with the installation procedure (it too many steps). I'm very close to having an installer ready that does everything. I will email you all when this is ready. Hopefully then you can put your beta testing skills to more interesting problems than installation! If you would like to know when this is ready please drop me an email here.
Building the Reflector Add-In
I've written an article for the Code Project describing how you can easily build an add-in like the Reflector one I posted screen shots of a while ago. I'm sorry I haven't got back to many of you who expressed interest in the add-in. The reason is I haven't been happy with the installation story (it involved too many steps). It only takes one person to say they're having problems installing and I know it isn't good enough! I am very close to having an installer that I am reasonably happy with. I will notify you all when this is ready. You can then use your beta testing skills on more interesting problems than installation!