In the beginning . . .

Finally, the time has come for me to start my own blog.  My first comment is how impressed I am with this .Text interface that Scott Watermasysk has put together.  Hats off to Scott W.

As my first post, I figure I should probably mention a bit about myself so anyone reading this has a bit of a perspective of where I'm coming from.  First off, I'm not a writer by any stretch of the imagination.  I always battle with any type of writing but I guess I can't hide from it forever.

The other thing I'm not is an expert developer.  I pale in comparison to many of the other developers blogging here and elsewhere (or not blogging for that matter).  Most of my expertise is with IIS, ASP.NET and server administration.  That's not to say that I don't get my feet wet with programming on a fairly regular basis and actually I've been working with web development for a number of years.  Between 1997 and now I've worked to some degree with Perl, PHP, Cold Fusion and starting in 2000 I've worked primarily with Classic ASP and ASP.NET.  I get to spend a comfortable amount of time with ADSI/WMI and WSH and other cool things like that so I'm sure I'll write about a mixture of things that will hopefully be useful to some people. 

All in all, I expect most of my posts will be things regarding the administrative side of ASP.NET, IIS, web technologies and even computer technologies in general.  Occasionally I might surprise myself and have something to say on the development end of things but don't expect that to be the norm.

Since I'm writing my first blog on Christmas Eve Day, I wish a Merry Christmas to all!


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