Accepting Questions for Web Pro Series Q&A

If you’ve been following my 52-week series you most likely noticed that we’re nearing the end.  This evening, for example, I’m recording week 47. 

Predrag Tomasevic (see developer related articles he’s written) sent me an email and made a suggestion to make the last couple videos as a Q&A.  I thought that would be a great idea.  Let’s do it!  I’ll accept questions for the next month or so and toward the end of January I’ll record the final two weeks as Q&A sessions.

Please use the comments section below to ask IIS or IIS related questions which you would like to see answered.  Note that I approve all comments before they show up, otherwise the spammer overwhelm the comments, so your question may not show up immediately.

I’m targeting quicker Q&A questions rather than full walkthroughs, but feel free to ask any type of question you want and I’ll take on whichever questions that I’ll have time for, or which I hope to be able to give a reasonably worthwhile answer for. Winking smile


  • Probably more of a walk-through, but I would really be interested to see more about ARR "site instances" for zero downtime deployments that you have mentioned in the past.

    Thanks for the series - it's been great!

  • Thanks James! Ah yes, that's a good one. Good idea, I'll discuss it.

  • I think it would be great to go over how to use the event viewer to record a baseline and then to review current performance against that baseline. Maybe even an event viewer best practices.

  • I would like to see more information rgarding web farms deployment. Besides using DFS-R and ARR, what do you think about web deploy 2.0 and web farm framework 2.2?

  • Thanks David and Anthony! Great topics.

  • Hi Scott,

    your series is the best!! really appreciate each week's video.

    I would love to see 2 topics:
    1) some clever DNS load ballancing (not sure what capability is windows offering)
    2) some end-2-end CDN redundant network setup (dns ballancing, ARR nodes, parent notes etc).


  • Thanks Scott for great tutorials. I would like to see the following topics:

    1. WebDAV
    2. Client Certificate

  • Hi flesik, Vladimir, Pawan. Thanks, and Happy New Year! All great questions. Can't say that they are all easy ones, but great questions just the same. :)

  • Great idea to accept questions! I think many of us are looking forward to watching the next two videos on IIS FTP 7.5.
    I think most web designers choose Filezilla server just because they didn´t manage to create separate admin accounts for separate sites.
    Pushing the FTP publishing button is easy enough, but creating different admin accounts for different sites usually makes people puzzled.
    Mikael Ljung

  • Hi Mikael,

    I agree, IIS FTP hides that type of functionality making it seem less powerful than it really is. This up-coming video will cover this. Thanks for the great feedback!

  • Hey Scott,
    You should write a book on ARR :-). But for now i would be interested in seeing a series on building an ecdn or ecn using ARR and what the best practices would be to scale it out geographically.

    It seems ARR is sold that way... really not sold but talked about. I have tried to put my theroy out and try it but i just don't know the best way to route my clients to there desigered locations. Can you help out with an awesome weblog maybe?

  • Scott, Thank you for all the excellent useful posts over the years.

    What is the replacement for indexing service to use in coding web search pages on a Windows 2008R2 server?

  • Thanks Adam. I could almost create a couple sessions post-series on that. I'll see what I do.

    Susan, that's a good question. I haven't programmed against Indexing Services in a few years. I'll see what I can find and hopefully demo some examples.

  • IIS express. Just go to the Microsoft wesbtie, and search it. That version of IIS only does web serving, but if you want FTP, I'm sure there are plenty of FTP servers out there like filezilla server or whatever. I dunno about SMTP.

  • Scott, great series, really informative. I would like to see some Advanced troubleshooting on the dreaded 500 error classic asp/ and freb drills.


  • Thanks Jeremy. I'm nearly finished the series (just behind on the final two) but I may create some post-series videos. Both suggestions are good ones, and I had always planned to add a FREB video but haven't yet so it would be a valuable addition to the series.

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