Professional IIS 7 - Best IIS 7.0 book

The title is a bit biased since I co-authored the book, but Professional IIS 7 will be out in print within a couple weeks and I highly recommend picking up a copy!

Professional IIS 7

I've had my head buried in this book for monthsspending more time that I realized possible, but learning IIS 7 inside out and ultimately enjoying it.  (Although I have to admit that sometimes at 4:00 in the morning, trying to hit deadlines, I'm not sure that I realized that I was enjoying it. :))

The book will be in bookstores and shipping online during the 2nd week of March 2008.  You can order it directly from Wrox: or from

We had a great team of authors on this book, each writing in areas that they knew best, and all delivering excellent content that is both knowledgeable, but also practical, based on their experience.  The author list is: Ken Schaefer, Jeff Cochran, Scott Forsyth, Rob Baugh, Mike Everest, Dennis Glendenning.

I wrote on application pool administration, remote delegation, webfarm management and configuration, programmatic configuration and administration and diagnostics and troubleshooting.

Be sure to pick up a copy and tell all of your IIS friends about it too!



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