Understanding IIS Bindings

Internet Information Services (IIS) uses 4 decision points for the site bindings.  They are the protocol, port, IP and host header.  This video lesson walks through the bindings and shows how each one is used.

This is part 5 of a 52 week series on various topics for the Web Administrator.

Other weeks include:

Week 1 – Ping and Tracert
Week 2 – Understanding DNS zone records
Week 3 – Nslookup – the Ultimate DNS Troubleshooting Tool
Week 4 – Three Tricks for Capturing Command Line Output

All future videos can be found on the Web Pro Series landing page.

Understanding IIS Bindings


  • Thanks - very useful information on IIS, great tutorial.


  • Thanks a very useful Information about IIS features and deployment of Website

  • Have been trolling for a real explanation of IIS bindings for awhile. Hit your site today. Just what I needed.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  • Hi Scott,

    Thank you for the thoughtful video training. I hope you may have sometime to help me w/ this issue. I have a asp.net 3.5 web app works fine under IIS 7. Recently I copied it to a Windows 8/IIS 8 PC then all of the images are not displayed. I use relative paths for these items. In View Source of the page, I found the paths are not in correct format as src="mouse.gif" rather than src="../../mouse.gif". I guess my IIS settings are not correct but I lost at this point.


  • Hi DT,

    There shouldn't be a difference between IIS7 and IIS8 in that regard. My guess is that you have it in a different subfolder than the original location. For example, if the new site is in a subfolder and some of the URLs are dynamically generated then it may generate the different paths.

    The issue is more an issue with the subfolder that the site is in and how the code of the site generates the URLs. I suggest comparing the subfolder or vdir structure between the old and new, and also try simple hello-world examples to see if you can narrow down what is causing the difference, which will hopefully lead you to a solution.

  • Hi Scott,

    I have a intranet setup on LAN and WAN and have allowed extranet (public access to my site)on Internet. I am trying to use Google Analytics and for that wanted to filter out internal traffic. I have setup IP filter but doesn't work. Also, even internet is down I am still able to access our extranet site. Can you help please? Thanks in advance

  • Hi Var,

    What I would probably do in that situation is to wrap the Google Analytics JavaScript in a conditional statement so that it only checks if the IP is public IP.

    For example, if your template is an ASP.NET page, you could do something like this (untested):

    Google Analytics snippet

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