
J. Michael Palermo IV

  • C# Training using 4994 Microsoft Courseware

    This was my first time teaching the 4994 Microsoft courseware at [itt].  The course is an introduction to programming using either C# or VB.  At Interface, we teach it exclusive to the language.  This week I had a full house of developers, and we tackled the C# language together.  Of course, I deviated from the outline and introduced the class more like "Introduction to C# using ASP.NET".  Even though the courseware favored Windows development, it has been my experience that most developers coming in for .NET training actually move into ASP.NET programming.  At the end of the week, my group was able to write C# code, create web sites & pages, talk to SQL Server, and know use Visual Studio effectively.

  • Who are the Microsoft Regional Directors?

    image I've recently been notified that I will continue to serve as a Microsoft Regional Director for the area that I live in (southwest part of the United States).  I am often asked questions such as:  Are you an employee of Microsoft?  What does it mean to be an RD (Regional Director)?  How does the RD program compare to the MVP program?  What does it take to become an RD?

  • MVP in 2008

    palermo4MVP78x100 Yesterday I was notified that I have been awarded MVP status again!  This is my 5th year as an MVP, and I am thrilled to be involved with such a great program.  Click my picture to view my MVP Profile.

  • 82 Blog Posts in 2007

    imageMy blog post count in 2007 is 82.  That number is higher than all my blog posts combined before 2007.  Compared to some, 82 is nothing to brag about.  With that said, I am setting a personal goal in 2008 to post over 240 blogs.  My reason is simple - the best blogs I read are typically from those who blog frequently.

  • Video: Two New Methods in System.GC

    image In my latest video, I demonstrate how to use two new methods of the System.GC class in the .NET Framework v3.5:  AddMemoryPressure and RemoveMemoryPressure.  You will see the impact of using these methods correctly when allocating unmanaged memory resources in your .NET applications.

  • New GTD Category: @Radar

    david-allen-me I am a big fan of David Allen's GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology.  Lately I have been struggling with some of the recommended categories for certain items that land in my "inbox".  Examples of context related categories are @Project, @WaitingFor, @Computer, @Agenda, @Errands, @Call, and so on.  Lately, I have wanted to keep track of certain items, without making them actionable.  This seems to contradict the point of GTD.  Yet there are times when I simply want to recall a topic or situation to mind without making it a project, something I am waiting on, or something I am required to do anything about.  I needed something that would keep a matter in front of me, but not require me to do anything about it.  Thus, I propose a new category to the GTD community: @Radar.

  • Using Linksys PrintServer PSUS4 with Vista

    imageTonight I tried to configure my Linksys PrintServer PSUS4 with Vista.  The other computers in my household run XP, and the user installation for creating the printing port ran smoothly.  When I attempted to do this in Vista, I kept getting an error: 
    "Add port failed".