Forum opened in
Good news the Forums are now open in
Full Text Query in SQL 2005
I don't have really the time to test SQL 2005, due alos to the lack of user interface, but I would like to ask some questions to all the beta testers.
Internet Explorer wake up - good standards are not always easy to swallow :-)
My point on IE is also as a developer. I know what I am going to say will surely sound paradoxal (and you can call me crazy), but I love the wrong standard acceptance in IE.
Why? Because until recently, all my colleagues around me (they are not developers) were quite easily happy with the projects I developed for them, having 95% of users running well a site was quite ok, not perfect but ok in my world.
Indeed, I am not building any e-commerce site, so maybe it's different in this case.
But suddenly, all the folks in my company (and elsewhere) heard a lot of nice dudes screaming we have a better browser than IE, and it has all the standards compliances (CSS, XHTML, etc...) everybody should expect.
Of course I coud be delighted, but no and no. I am still the only developer in my company, and this make me overloaded with dozen of dozens of browsers tests forgotten in a dark corner of my laptop, some reminiscence of the prehistoric age of Netscape.
Now I am preaching against what I believe in but is it really necessary to walk backward ?
And my wrath against IE team too, who think that everything has been done in browser world, and they can sleep on their laurels.
No wake up, and show us you can surprise us. -
Internet Explorer wake up or die
Ireland as one country :-)
To clarify one question asked, yes Ireland .Net Developers Alliance is open to all Ireland.
Unless one other .Net group xist around Belfast, you're welcome. What I wish is that you participate in our forthcoming sessions. -
Ireland .Net Developers Alliance - Register and have a chance to win an Xbox :-)
Windows hosting in Ireland - a joke ?
I don't know for your respective countries, but here in Ireland the hosting situation is getting worst than ever :-(
Almost every single company offer now a so called Windows solution which is based on Windows 2003(Yeah cool), PHP, Perl and MySQL (Ugly and not cool !)
If you talk about support, this is a joke. After many valls, you discover that indeed they have 99 Linux guys and 1 dedicated Windows support person. -
SPV 500 please someone has an idea on how to get one ??
I am going to break a rule by asking for help not for some .Net code, but for a gift.
I didn't blogged a lot recently. The main reason is my commitment to the community working on a usergroup built up.
Dell X50v launched - not so fast
Only if you are living on a remote island would let you deaf to the noise created around the launch of the Dell X50v.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Irish Developers meeting
I am please to announce the first Irish Developers meeting this Monday 18th of October at 5:30PM. -
Another bunch of cool and free controls !
I was looking at some components for one of my projects, and I discovered a greta site with some amazing free controls.
Use your Gmail space as a 1Gb storage - Cool
Regular Expressions can be a bit of fun too :-))
Ahh ! Buying a new gadget can be tough....
New book
I just received a new book by Apress Pro Visual Studio.Net. Interesting reading.
Everything you need to know about VS.Net 2003. Not too much code but more about using properly the IDE. -
Web Accessibility Toolbar
This is a cool toolbar for peole like me
fightingworking on web accessibility.
I really like the way to have a toolbar with everything I need grouped in one place. -
Cute assistant to convert your code
Now here we go with a new assistant to help you converting VB to C#
Developers Ireland first online meeting - thumbs up !
Just to report that I organised today the first Developers Ireland meeting online, and everything went well.