
Archives / 2004 / February
  • Going into Rory and Stickfigure Withdrawl...

    Hmmm, Rory and his ghetto hosting provider seem to have gotten all choked up.  Why Rory didn't think to check for the “minimum query memory is not available“ exception is beyond me (I mean, come on).  I'm actually hosted by the same people as Rory at my site, and I'm not having any problems at all.  Interesting.

  • A Humble Request for the MSDN Homepage

    Can someone @ MSDN throw a padding: 0 into the CSS for the MSDN homepage for ordered and unordered list? I don't know why, but this drives me insane. I of course can live with it if the CSS head haunchos don't want CSS to that takes into account browsers besides IE, but it seems like a doable request.