
Archives / 2007 / February
  • Finding Machine.Config

    OK, this is just a quick little tip. I need to be able to programmatically locate the Machine.Config file. Instead of hard-coding the path where I know it is, I used the new ConfigurationManager class in .NET 2.0 to perform this. Here is the code.

  • Are you still writing Add/Edit/Delete code?

    Recently one of my programmers came to me after having visited with a PDSA client. He told me one of the programmers at this client was creating a new .NET application and had about 5 add, edit, delete screens created. He had spent, on average, about 7 hours creating, testing, debugging and tweaking the code on each screen. He wrote a little over 200 lines of code for each screen and at least 5 stored procedures for each screen as well. Even though he was able to copy and paste a lot of the code from one screen to another, he still had to fully debug and regression test all the add, edit and delete routines on each screen. This was in addition to the business rule logic that he had to test.

  • Check out DNR TV!

    Last month I recorded an episode of DNR TV on creating custom providers. Carl and I go through a lot of code showing how to create your own custom providers. Enjoy!

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