Skill Up - Learn More to Earn More
PACKT Publishing made freely available its Skillup Reports: basically, it is a set of comprehensive reports for different technical areas - web development, app development, data development, sys admin - with lots of useful insights on these areas, focusing on skills and salaries. These are available on PACKT's site, so have a look!
Profiling SQL Server in .NET
The main tool for profiling SQL Server is, of course, SQL Server Profiler. You can, however, achieve more or less the same results using .NET, I'll show you how.
SharePoint Pitfalls: GUID Formats
SharePoint uses GUIDs extensively. The problem is, it accepts them in different formats, in different locations:
SharePoint Pitfalls: Master Pages in Page Layouts
When you deploy a page layout, you may want to add your own master page as well. I find it useful to add my own custom master pages and reference them directly, in the same or a dependent feature. You might be surprised, however, that it doesn’t work exactly how you’d expect!
SharePoint Pitfalls Index
Updated on July 20th
SharePoint Pitfalls: Publishing Pages in Document Libraries Other Than Pages
This one is a classic: the SharePoint Publishing feature in a Publishing Site creates a document library by the name of Pages; this is where you can store your publishing pages.
Case Study: Comparing ASP.NET Web Forms and MVC Implementations
Apparently, I am the last ASP.NET Web Forms developer in the whole World, which makes me kind of sad… anyway, after much crying, I decided to try out something: a comparison of Web Forms and MVC to solve a real life problem! Now, I only needed a problem to solve… Then, a colleague of mine came questioning me about captchas, so I thought, why not use it as my example? And here we are!
Automating Microsoft Azure with PowerShell Review
What’s New in C# 6.0
Visual Studio 2015 will be officially RTM on July 20th, Microsoft announced. With it comes a new version of the .NET framework (actually, two), .NET 5.0, and inside of it, support for a new version of the C# language, C# 6.0. Yeah, the numbers don’t match, keep that in mind!
Generating GDI+ Images for ASP.NET MVC Views
This post is about applying the same technique I presented for ASP.NET Web Forms, but this time for MVC.
Farewell, ASP.NET Web Forms, We Hardly Knew Ye
ASP.NET Web Forms, the venerable web framework that Microsoft shipped with the .NET framework almost 15 years ago and we all
hatelove, is going away. Yes, it’s official: ASP.NET 5 will not include Web Forms, only MVC 6. ASP.NET 4.6, however, will still include Web Forms, including some updates, but the future appears to be all MVC (and OWIN, for that matter). Having spend a lot of my professional life working with Web Forms, I feel kind of sad. Yes, I do acknowledge event-hell, viewstate-hell, etc, but I find it easy to get around this once you know a thing or two. But what I really like about Web Forms is the reuse capacity that server-side controls offer: just add a reference to an assembly containing controls, register them in Web.config or in the page, and you’re done. A control encapsulates both client and server-side logic, so it is the perfect reusability mechanism for the web, in my opinion, and I wrote tens of posts on it. MVC now offers somewhat similar mechanisms, in the form of view components and tag helpers, but before that, there was really no reuse mechanism – partial views cannot be referenced from an assembly and helper methods cannot be extended. Don’t get me wrong: I like MVC, but I think that Web Forms was complementary. Taking in consideration the extensibility mechanisms offered by MVC, I can imagine that someone will even implement Web Forms on top of it! -
SharePoint Pitfalls: Save Publishing Site as Template Option Missing
If you want to save a publishing site as a template, so that it can be used to create other sites, you may find it surprising that the option is missing from the site settings page:
SharePoint Pitfalls: Creating a Visual Studio Project Without SharePoint Locally Installed
This is the first on a (huge) collection of posts on SharePoint pitfalls. Hope you enjoy, and, please, do send me your feedback!