ScrollingGrid 2.0 RC1 Released
I've just sent out the e-mails to all of our ScrollingGrid customers with test copies of ScrollingGrid 2.0. This has been a long time coming, and I'm very excited about reaching this milestone. My partners and I still have a lot of work to do on the Road to RTM, but we're well on our way. This release is private, but it marks that we're almost ready for public release, which should come in about two weeks at this point. That is always subject to change, but I'm pretty confident that we'll get there.
Documenting .NET Components
I feel the need, once again, to preface this entry with a few disclaimers. One: this is my opinion. Two: I'm not just saying that this stuff sucks, I'm trying to be constructive with the criticism so that problem areas can be improved. Three: It's a much-needed venting of frustration. Please interpret as such.
Channel9 Tours MSR with Kevin Shofield
Scoble and Co. take us on a tour of the Microsoft Research facilities. It starts out with the extremely bright Lili Cheng from the Social Computing Group, talking about the app that made waves at PDC'03: Wallop. She still won't let me get an account, but that's another story for another day.
Done Blogging? Try Flogging!
What is a Flog? Well, according to the Republican National Convention's website at, it's a Fact Log. And what is's Flog running on? None other than .Text. I had a hint based on the layout, but my suspicion was confirmed by clicking on the "Flogger" link under the definition. You're taken to Marvin3 is one of the skins that comes with .Text.
You Can't Judge a Party By Its' Software, Or Can You? has an interesting rundown of the use of technology by this year's Presidential candidates. Interesting. Very interesting indeed. A few people pointed this out a while back, but it's good that the mainstream media picked up on the current incarnations of politics and technology.
Why The Redistributable?
I'm still at a loss as to why the J# Redistributable is required for VS2005, even when I don't want J# as a language. Is there any explanation as to why the install process has to be longer because of this? I'd really rather it not be installed if it doesn't have to be.
Sun Offers Solution for "v1 Uncertainty Theorem" - Screw Version Numbers
What is the "v1 Uncertainty Theorem". It's a term I've created to explain a common phenomenon in the sofware industry. It states "The rate of adoption for any software product will be minimal as long as it is still the first major release." In a nutshell, it means that harly anyone uses v1.0 of a product, no matter how cool it is.
Initial VS2005B1 Feedback: Efficient CD Use
So I've downloaded all of the VS2005 ISOs, and they're all burned to CDs. Here's my first bit of feedback. Microsoft: Why did you make a 3MB ISO (AmberPoint)? Isn't that a waste of, among other things, a CD? My suggestion for the final release is to combine the Visio Tools, AmberPoint Express, and the Remote Debugger into one CD. Make it the "Visual Studio 2005 Extras" disc, and bring the CD count down from 8 to 6.
VS2005 on MSDN - Gentlemen, Start Your Downloads!
Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 is now live on MSDN. Get it while it's hot.