Using ASP.NET AJAX Control Extenders in VS 2008

Over the last few weeks I've blogged about the new VS 2008 JavaScript Intellisense and VS 2008 JavaScript Debugging features in Beta 2.  I've also posted about how both ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 and ASP.NET AJAX 3.5 are supported with VS 2008, as well as how you can get Silverlight 1.0 JavaScript Intellisense with VS 2008.

One of the other small, but very useful, AJAX features you can now take advantage of in VS 2008 is its improved designer support for ASP.NET AJAX Control Extenders.

What are ASP.NET Control Extenders?

ASP.NET Control Extenders are controls that derive from the System.Web.UI.ExtenderControl base class, and which can be used to add additional functionality (usually AJAX or JavaScript support) to existing controls already declared on a page.  They enable developers to nicely encapsulate UI behavior, and make it really easy to add richer functionality to an application. 

The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit is a great example of a project that takes advantage of this control extender functionality.  It includes more than 40+ free control extenders that you can easily download and use to add AJAX functionality to your applications.

For example, let's assume we wanted to have a textbox on a page where a user could enter a date:

If the browser has JavaScript enabled, we might want to have a nice client-side calendar date picker appear when the user sets the focus on the date textbox to help with selecting the date:

Enabling this is trivial using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit.  Just add the "CalendarExtender" control that ships with it to the page and point its "TargetControlID" property at the <asp:textbox>:

The CalendarExtender now automatically emits an ASP.NET AJAX javascript client script that adds the client-side calendar behavior to the TextBox at runtime.  No additional code is required.

Using ASP.NET AJAX Control Extenders in VS 2008

With VS 2005 you had to manually wire-up control extenders yourself (either via source-view or via the property grid). 

VS 2008 makes it even easier to discover and attach control extenders to your controls.  Below are some steps you can follow to see this in action:

Step 1: Add the ASP.NET AJAX Control Extenders to your VS 2008 Toolbox:

You can download the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit that targets .NET 3.5 from this page.  You can then drag and drop the AJAXControlToolkit.dll assembly into the VS 2008 Toolbox to have its control extenders show up as controls that you can add to any ASP.NET web site or project:


Step 2: Attaching a Control Extender to an Existing Control

Once you add control extenders to your VS 2008 toolbox, you'll find that a new "Add Extender..." smart task option appears when you select controls within the VS 2008 designer:

If you click the "Add Extender..." link it will bring up a dialog that shows you all of the control extenders that can be used with the particular control you currently have selected:

Just pick the control extender you want to wire-up to your selected control, optionally override the default "ID" value for the extender, and then hit ok.  This will then add the appropriate extender control to the page and wire-up its "TargetControlID" property to the original control you had selected:

Step 3: Merged Properties Grid

When you attach a control extender to a control in VS 2008, the property grid of the original control is extended to show both its original properties as well as the properties of the control extender attached to it:

This makes it easy to see all of the properties together.  The UI also scales to support having multiple control extenders wired-up to the same control (for example: you could have both a TextBoxWatermark extender and a CalendarExtender control wired up to the same TextBox, and see the properties of both control extenders listed within the TextBox's property grid).

Step 4: Removing a Control Extender

If you ever want to remove a control extender from a control, just select the "Remove Extender..." link from the control in the smart task:


The control extender architecture in ASP.NET makes it really easy to encapsulate and re-use UI functionality and behavior.  VS 2008 makes it even easier to take advantage of this support, and you'll find it works great with the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. 

You can learn more about ASP.NET AJAX Control Extenders and the AJAX Control Toolkit from some of the new ASP.NET AJAX books that have recently been published:

I also recently posted an ASP.NET AJAX and AJAX Control Toolkit link listing post entry recently that links to a bunch of great articles that you can read.

To learn more about how to build your own custom AJAX Control Extenders, I recommend reading the following articles:

Hope this helps,



  • Thanks for the information, Scott. How trivial (or non-trival) a task is it to create your own AJAX control extenders? Sorry, I'm being lazy and not going to look at the System.Web.UI.ExtenderControl base class myself. Any good walkthroughs?

  • What ever u write helps :-)

  • great! i really love how you have an option to attach an extender from a control.

    and after that? are property's merged in the designview somehow?

  • wow, I love VS 2008 Beta 2.

  • Nice article on

  • My question is WHY bother using the extender provider architecture for this? It doesn't seem to actually add any value to the process - it just splits the configuration across two entities. I understood it back it the early Atlas days, when a single ASP.NET Ajax extender could extend multiple controls. Now it just seems like a vestigial design holdover.

    Of course, now if it's baked into the IDE, I guess we're pretty much stuck with it.

  • Scott,

    To use the "Add Extender" smart tag do you have to add in into the toolbox or is it enough just to have in the gac, bin, or referenced by the webconfig? In other words, where does it get the list of extenders for the add extender wizard from? It would be nice if you could use it with the wizard without adding to the toolbox.

    Great job on the ASP.NET Ajax extenders and the Ajax toolkit. Now if there was only a WYSIWYG ajax extender with Live Hotmail's inline spellcheck as part of the toolkit then it would be perfect :)

  • Hi Koen,

    >>>>>> and after that? are property's merged in the designview somehow?

    Once you attach an extender its properties are merged in with the target control's properties. You can see a screenshot of this in the image for "step 3" above.



  • Hi Kevin,

    >>>>> My question is WHY bother using the extender provider architecture for this? It doesn't seem to actually add any value to the process - it just splits the configuration across two entities. I understood it back it the early Atlas days, when a single ASP.NET Ajax extender could extend multiple controls. Now it just seems like a vestigial design holdover.

    In general there are some types of AJAX like behavior that I think make sense to bake directly into a control, but adding all possible scenarios into a single control quickly becomes impossible. To use the TextBox as just one example, you probably wouldn't want the watermark, auto-complete extender, calendar extender, masked edit, rounded corner, etc behaviors all built-in - otherwise you'd have a control with literally hundreds of properties.

    The nice thing about the extender model is that any developer can cleanly add new functionality to an existing control, and that it is designed so that you can mix in multiple sets of functionality and have them all work together.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Dave,

    >>>>>> To use the "Add Extender" smart tag do you have to add in into the toolbox or is it enough just to have in the gac, bin, or referenced by the webconfig? In other words, where does it get the list of extenders for the add extender wizard from? It would be nice if you could use it with the wizard without adding to the toolbox.

    I think the list of extenders is driven by the toolbox - although it might also be triggered if you have them referenced in your application.

    One nice thing about the toolbox approach is that you can see the extenders listed even if the current project you are working on doesn't have that control library referenced. The first time you add a control from that assembly to the project, the control library assembly will automatically be referenced and included in the project (including being copied to the \bin directory if needed).

    Hope this helps,


  • Sorry Scott, I don't think I was clear with my question. I understand the value of the extender model, which is essentially attaching new behavior to existing controls. What I don't understand is the use of the IExtenderProvider machinery, which only makes for a more onerous design time experience. I blogged about it here:

  • Hello,

    was I looking at their videos and in ModalPopupExtenter I don't get to pass values for the popup through the code behing, as I do for exmplo to pass those values for the modal through a click in a button?

  • Scott

    I added the items to the toolbox by clicking 'choose items' and selecting the dll. I couldn't drag and drop the dll onto the toolbox. Doing it this way doesn't add the 'add extender' smart tag. What am I doing wrong? I' using web developer express 2008, would this have anything to do with it?


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