
Archives / 2014 / August
  • DocumentDB - NoSQL Database As A Service On Azure

    Microsoft Azure team has announced a new NoSQL database named "DocumentDB". DocumentDB is a fully managed, massively scalable, NoSQL database as a service on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. This is a right movement from Microsoft as the existing Table storage was not effcient comparing to other NoSQL databases available in the market. In my initial evalution, DocumentDB is the most feature rich NoSQL databse comparing to many popular NoSQL database.  In DocumentDB, we can write Trigger, Stored Procedure and User Defined Function (UDF) in JavaScript. 

  • Sample App With ASP.NET Web API and ReactJS

    We have just started a sample app for demonstrate building apps with ReactJS and ASP.NET Web API.  An early version of the app can available on github at . Please note that the ReactJS version of the app is not a final version, but it is an early version which will continuously refactor with a proper Flux architecture. The RESTful API written with ASP.NET Web API 2.