Speaking about ASP.NET MVC 2 at DevCon 2010
I will be speaking about ASP.NET MVC 2 at the DevCon 2010 organized by Kerala Microsoft User Group (K-Mug). The DevCon 2010 event will be conducted in Techopark, Trivandrum, India on 3rd and 4th July, 2010. My ASP.NET MVC 2 session will be introduce the ASP.NET MVC and will walk through several features of the ASP.NET MVC 2 framework along with Visual Studio 2010. The other seesions including Cloud computing and Windows Azure, .NET 4.0 & Visual Studio 2010, Robotics Programming, Web Security and Security Auditing, Application Compatibility in Windows 7, SQL Server 2008, Mixed Mode Windows development using C# and C++ and Windows 7 Phone. The event details available at
How to work RavenDB Id with ASP.NET MVC Routes
By default RavenDB's Id would be sperated by "/". Let's say that we have a category object, the Ids would be like "categories/1". This will make problems when working with ASP.NET MVC's route rule. For a route category/edit/id, the uri would be category/edit/categories/1. You can solve this problem in two ways
Solution 1 - Change Id Separator
We can use different Id Separator for RavenDB Ids in order to working with ASP.NET MVC route rules. The following code specify that Ids would be seperated by "-" rather than the default "/"
NoSQL with RavenDB and ASP.NET MVC - Part 2
In my previous post, we have discussed on how to work with RavenDB document database in an ASP.NET MVC application. We have setup RavenDB for our ASP.NET MVC application and did basic CRUD operations against a simple domain entity. In this post, let’s discuss on domain entity with deep object graph and how to query against RavenDB documents using Indexes. You can download the source code from