Extending Resource-Provider for storing resources in the database
This post, I upgraded from the articles that published from IDesign group in the MSDN's Microsoft The reason I made it is because I need using this solution for my ASP.NET MVC project. This method is so old for now. So I start to introduce about my effort for modify it for fixed with my solution.
Breaking if statements with pattern
Notes: updated with comment from Sean Stapleton
About me
My name is Thang Chung. I am living and working at Viet Nam. I love OOP, design pattern, SOLID principles and new technology in .NET.
Moving to weblogs
This morning I received the email from Microsoft that they just created for me the blog at I really happy about that and decided to moving my house from Blogger ( to blogs ( If anyone want to read some articles at Blogger, you still read all of it at those. I will not move all articles to weblogs, and in the future I will try to write new articles at blog. I hope anyone will support me in that. And in next time, I will try to finish the NMA project at codeplex.