Contents tagged with Video

  • Creating Custom AngularJS Directives Part 4 - Transclusion and Restriction

    In Part 3 of this series I introduced how an isolate scope local property defined in a directive can be used to pass parameters to external functions (something that’s a bit tricky at first glance but easy once you know the process). In this post I’ll continue the series on building custom directives and discuss “transclusion” and how it can be used to add flexibility to directives.

  • Video: Live Hangout with Michael Ossou Discussing Web Technologies and AngularJS

    I recently had the opportunity to participate in a live hangout with Michael Ossou and DiscountASP.NET that they recorded and put online. Michael was a super cool guy to talk with and we discuss how I got started in programming, learning techniques, and various Web technologies from ASP.NET Web API to Node.js. I also show a few demos of AngularJS for those interested in getting started with it. Watch the recording below.

  • Video – Getting Started with LINQ in .NET 3.5

    A few weeks back my company offered a free online webinar on LINQ technologies to help developers more easily make the transition to LINQ.  While there was a great turn out at the webinar, I received several emails from people who couldn’t attend asking if I could provide a video recording of the webinar.  It turns out that the audio for the recording wasn’t up to my standards so I put together a video that provides an introductory look at different LINQ technologies including:

  • New Video: Integrating Silverlight and ASP.NET AJAX

    I gave a talk at Desert Code Camp toward the end of 2007 that discussed how Microsoft's Silverlight product could be integrated with ASP.NET AJAX to dynamically display albums obtained from an Web Service.  It's taken awhile to get the video posted, but it's now available.  The audio in the room wasn't great since no microphone was used so you may need to crank it up a bit. 

  • Video: Working with ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel Properties

    This video tutorial demonstrates the affect the UpdatePanel's UpdateMode and ChildrenAsTriggers properties have on updating a panel's content.  The video starts out by discussing the UpdateMode property and shows why you may want to know about it when using multiple UpdatePanel controls on a single page.  It then discusses the ChildrenAsTriggers property and shows how you can prevent child controls from updating their parent UpdatePanel control.  Examples of nesting UpdatePanel controls to provide a master-details style view of data is also shown.

  • Video: Calling Web Services Asynchronously with ASP.NET

    In this video tutorial I walk through the fundamentals of calling Web Services asynchronously from an ASP.NET page using the .NET 2.0 event driven model exposed by Web Service proxy objects.  There are several different options for calling Web Services asynchronously including polling, callbacks and wait handles, but the event driven model is quite easy to use and doesn't put as much pressure on the ASP.NET thread pool as the other options.

  • Video: Creating an N-Layer ASP.NET Application (Updated)

    In this video tutorial I walk through the fundamentals of creating an N-Layer ASP.NET application.  What's "N-Layer" you ask?  N-Layer can be interpreted many different ways, but I generally use the term to mean separating presentation, business and data code into individual code layers.  Doing this allows code to be re-used throughout an application and prevents unnecessary clutter in ASP.NET code-behind classes.  This video covers creating presentation, business and data layers and also covers another layer I normally add to projects that I refer to as "Model".  The model layer contains data entity classes that are used to pass data between the different layers. 

    If you're currently embedding all of your code directly in ASP.NET pages, this video will help get you started on the road to recovery.  I'm kidding of course, but if you want to build more re-useable and maintainable applications you'll want to segregate your code into different layers at a minimum.  Other types of architectures can certainly be applied as well.

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