Progress Champion 2025
Excited to be recognized as a Progress Champion for community activities related to Fiddler!
Check out my Fiddler Pluralsight courses at and and watch for more talks on Fiddler in the future! -
Indy .NET Consortium (virtual) 240205
I will be presenting Capture the Flag at the Indy .NET Consortium:
We’re not talking about the outdoor game where you are trying to steal a physical flag and bring it back to your base, this capture the flag is a series of computer security challenges you solve to retrieve a flag and get points! Solving these challenges require various skills including decrypting content, SQL Injection, reverse engineering and more. Learn about how capture the flag works, where you find challenges/competitions, and some techniques required to solve them. I went from never having tried one to winning a competition the next year. The challenges are not only interesting, they helped change my perspective about how web sites are attacked and how I could better protect them.