
Archives / 2009 / August
  • Cleaning Up the Disabled State of a Silverlight Control using Expression Blend

    Silverlight provides the ultimate in flexibility when it comes to styling controls.  If you don’t like how something looks you can tweak the template in a tool like Expression Blend quickly and easily and get something completely different.  This post is geared towards those of you who may just be getting into Silverlight.  My goal is to demonstrate how easy it is to change controls using a simple example that I just went through on a client application.

  • Creating a Silverlight DataContext Proxy to Simplify Data Binding in Nested Controls

    Data binding is one of my favorite features and something that I use a lot while building Silverlight applications.  Silverlight makes it really easy to bind data to different controls and move data from controls back into the original bound object without having to write any C# or VB code in many cases.  Here’s an example of binding a ComboBox control to an object that defines a property named Branches:

  • Building Line of Business Applications with Silverlight 3 – Pros and Cons

    imageI’ve been hearing a lot of people talk about how Silverlight 3 can or can’t do various things lately throughout the blogosphere and Twitter.  The sad part is that some of the people giving their two cents about what Silverlight can’t do haven’t built a “real world” application so I’m not sure how their opinion carries any weight (I know because I’ve asked a few of them). Their list of cons are typically based on what they heard on Twitter or various rumors floating around.  As with any technology there are pros and cons and Silverlight is no exception.  The goal of this post is to talk through some of the pros and cons I’ve personally encountered while building a “real world”, enterprise-scale timesheet and job management application for a large electrical contracting company.  I’ll point out what has worked really well and what hasn’t so that people looking to move applications to Silverlight 3 can get an honest assessment on what can be done and what can’t be done.

  • So What’s a Silverlight Value Converter Anyway?

    Silverlight has an excellent data binding engine that allows data to be bound through XAML or programmatically with code.  My number one reason for using Silverlight on client projects is the data binding support.  Once you get into it and understand how it works it can save a lot of time when building applications.

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