
Archives / 2006 / February
  • Ajax.NET Enterprise Edition

    Tags: .NET, Ajax.NET

    I got already some questions concerning the next steps of Ajax.NET Professional. Yes, I'm working on some new ideas, and maybe it will be an Ajax.NET Enterprise Edition. With the upcomming AJAX … more

  • AJAX Community (focus on .NET)

    Tags: .NET, AJAX, Ajax.NET

    Yesterday on the launch event of Visual Studio .NET 2005 and SQL Server 2005 in Karlsruhe/Germany we had the idea to create a usergroup/community here in Germany for all Web 2.0 and AJAX developers. … more

  • I'm back...

    Today I will talk to all of you and thank you for your help on Ajax.NET! Since end of last year I had to slow down the work on Ajax.NET because my body asked me for some hours to sleep. My nightly … more