Updated Version of WPF/E Pad
Mike Harsh has updated his WPF/E Pad. The new version has the following changes:Enhanced readability by lightening the background color of the XAML textarea Modifed the loading logic to download one … more
WPF/E Plugin Update: how does it work?
Today I had a look on how the WPF/E plugin will check if there is a new update available. Would it be in Windows Updates or is there any automatic update done?Every web page that will include the WPF/ … more
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I will say Thank You! for all your help and discussions I had this year! 2006 was a great year where AJAX became very important to web applications, AJAX, JavaScrippt, CSS and Web 2.0 are& … more
Web Developer Tools
Taylor Hayward has launched a new web site that will collect useful helpers for web developers, a lot of great examples and free icons or images, thePeoplesToolbox. more
A short list of WPF/E exmaples
- Flash and WPF/E combined: Page Turner Sprawl Game … more
WPF/E VS2005 Template (ASP.NET Version)
I found a post on Paul Glavichs blog about the WPF/E Visual Studio .NET 2005 template:I saw a link on Andrew Stopford’s blog which pointed to yet another blog by John Rayner that showed a … more
More WPF/E and Flash Integration Madness!
I found again a very nice example on how WPF/E and Flash are working together. Lee has written an example where you will see WPF/E and Flash side-by-side, you don't see the difference.Perhaps I& … more
Rules you need for Fiddler
From time to time I install Fiddler on new PCs and everytime I have the same problem: which rules do I need to get most from Fiddler. Here are my top 5 rules I use:In OnBoot() I use following two … more
I'm reading a lot of performance issues when using POST instead of GET in AJAX enabled web applications. What are the key benefits of each http method? And is POST really slower than GET?POSTBy … more
Pending Members - Google Groups XSS Bug [Part 1]
During the weekend I found an script error on the Google pending members web page. Because I was using the new Google groups beta interface I didn't looked on it. But today the script error still … more
IE6 and IE7 Running on a Single Machine
Brian is writing on his blog that Microsoft offers a free Windows XP including Internet Explorer 6 as a VPC image to test web sites with IE6:Many of you have asked how to run IE6 and IE7 in a side by … more
Microsoft Network Monitor 3.0 released
The Microsoft Network Monitor Development Team has released the new Network Monitor 3.0. Here are the key features:A completely new user interface Real time capture and display of frames … more
Syntax error: line 1 using Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX [part 2]
Last Friday I wrote about the problem of atlasglob.axd on MSDN. Today I did several tests and found out that the Accept-Language is one of the problems there, and that is the reason why not … more
The idea of UpdatePanels combined with JavaScript
I come across more and more web sites where JavaScript is used to get great user experience on the client-side. There are a couple of JavaScript frameworks written only to add animation effects to … more
Showcase of Sites Powered by ASP.NET AJAX
I had some time to have a look at the showcases of sites powered by ASP.NET AJAX. There are a couple of new web sites available that I didn't looked at. I started my Internet Explorer, Fiddler … more
Syntax error: line 1 using Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX
I read the last post from Rick Strahl about IE 7 Script Errors. Yes, I found this already on some sites, too, so I started to find the real issue.For this I started the great Fiddler tool to analyse … more
Endlich Windows Vista auf Deutsch!
Endlich ist es soweit, Windows Vista ist auf Deutsch verfügbar über MSDN und Technet. Mal sehen wie, ob die Deutschen auch so verrückt sind nach der ISO Datei, und Microsoft den … more
Windows Update und IE7
Heute ist es soweit, die meisten Windows XP Benutzer werden den Internet Explorer 7 über das automatische Windows Update erhalten. Interessant sind die Details des Updates: "Features zur … more
Why some of my AJAX mistakes are nothing new
On my last post I wrote about some common mistakes when upgrading your web application to an AJAX enabled one. I got a great feedback on this post... and a couple of developers wrote something like & … more
The top 10 mistakes when using AJAX
The last months I found more and more web sites that make a heavy use of AJAX to be on the Web 2.0 train, but a lot of them are very strange because they are slower than before, you will get more … more
.NET Developers Group München - Web 2.0 für Webentwickler
Ich bin morgen Abend (20. November 2006) bei der .NET Developers Group München und spreche über Web 2.0. In meinem Vortrag möchte ich verschiedene Frameworks (Yahoo! UI, Dojo, AjaxPro, … more
Get your AjaxPro Web Application running on Mono (for Linux Dummies)
For all of us who are not familiar with Linux here is a short description how to get your ASP.NET web application using AjaxPro running on Mono. The Mono project offers a great VMware … more
JavaScript performance - access to global variables [part 1]
While reading several posts about JavaScript performance [1] [2] I did a simple test, too. My first part will compare Firefox and IE7 using global variables compared with local ones. var x = {" … more
What's next with AjaxPro?
That's a good questions: what's next with AjaxPro? I'm still working on the Java port of AjaxPro, working already very good. During the port I found several new ideas on how to improve … more
AjaxPro on Mono
Today I meet Miguel de Icaza (blog) at the Prio conference in Baden-Baden. Miguel is the founder of the Mono project which implements a common language runtime on linux that will be 100 … more
Where thumboo is already used?
My new started service for creating screenshots of any web page is used more and more., (those two sides only used it while WebSnapr … more
How to create screenshots from web sites? is the answer!
From the idea of Juan Xavier of websnapr I started yesterday to write my own screenshot capture engine, and it is working already very nice. I registered a new domain called thumboo (thumbnails and a … more
Google Search for AjaxPro
Google offers a new search engine service that can be personalized. I have created a first test that will only return results for AjaxPro (hopefully): there … more
Avoid using Impersonation in ASP.NET
Scott Hanselman is writing on his blog:The MSDN Docs are very careful not to recommend using impersonation it affects connection pooling when talking to databases downstream. The suggestion that one … more
More MS Ajax Pain
Rick Strahl is writing about his experience about the new Atlas files:Ok, here goes. I’ve had one hell of a frustrating day going through my code and moving it to Atlas Beta 1. I& … more
Who is linking me?
I added a new page where urls are listed that are linking to The web page is updated frequently and will show small captured screenshots. This service will be available for … more
PRIO Conference and Ready for a New Day
I will attend the PRIO Conference in Baden-Baden/Germany, the conference will be held from 15-16th November. Next, on 1st December I will attend the Ready for a New Day Windows Vista and Office … more
Yahoo! JavaScript Library and AjaxPro
There are a lot of great JavaScript libraries available that are used be developers to add Ajax and Web 2.0 to their web sites. While AjaxPro is optimized to run on all web browsers including Windows … more
Google Search for Source Code
Google offers a great way to search for source code: If you search for RegisterTypeForAjax (which is the method to create the JavaScript proxies for AjaxPro) you … more
Search.Live.Com. I want to like it, I really do... [Part 2]
I read the post from Graig Gemmill and was thinking the same. When has removed the beta logo I started several tests. Every test failed because I didn't get the results on the … more
AjaxPro for Java Developers?
I have started to create a AjaxPro Java Edition which will be 100% code compatible on the client-side. That means there is no change of JavaScript and HTML when moving around, no code change when … more
AjaxPro JSON serialization about three (3!!!) times faster
The weekend I had time to do some serialization performance changes. The new beta version that is available here is about three times faster than the current release version. I have done some changes … more
AjaxPro JSON Parser and Dates
Because there are a lot of developers using the stand-alone JSON parser (which is included in the release package of AjaxPro) I decided today to serialize the .NET data type System.DateTime with … more
AjaxPro Release include VS Template now
As I mentioned already that new AjaxPro releases will include a simple Visual Studio .NET 2005 template for C# and VB.NET. You can download the latest version including this file … more
AjaxPro at Google Groups with more than 4.000 members
Today the Ajax.NET Professional Google group has reach the 4.000 member border. I did a search for AJAX for all the Google groups available and was very happy to see my group at the second top … more
Books: Ajax with ASP.NET
I read a nice post here from Long Zheng who got two copies of the new book Ajax with ASP.NET you can win, read his blog.The book is a great help on how to start with AjaxPro. There are a … more
C# and VB.NET Visual Studio .NET 2005 Template
I will add the VS.NET 2005 project templates for C# and VB.NET to the next releases, too. A current version is available at … more
How to prevent System.NotSupportedException: This method is either not marked with an AjaxMethod or is not available
The was a discussion at the Google group about the System.NotSupportedException after changing files in App_Code folder. As there is no static assmebly name for the App_Code … more
AjaxPro Source Code available!!
Today I put the source code online at New releases will be still uploaded to If you find any error, bug or … more
Moving Source Code to
Today I will start with moving the source code to Hopefully it is done in some hours, during this time period I have stopped the download option on my web site. more
AjaxPro, GPS, Windows Mobile 5 and Google Maps
While I was on a busines trip I started to write a small application that is using the Windows Mobile 5 GPS API to get the current location. After this I build a small web server that was running on … more
Albert Weinert will talk about Ajax.NET Professional in Cologne, Germany
Alber Weinert is talking about Ajax.NET Professional (and details on JSON) in Cologne, Germany:"Ich halte am Dienstag, den 25.07.2006 wieder einen AJAX Vortrag [2]. Diesmal in Köln bei der . … more
Why addNamespace(...) is removed?
I removed addNamespace because of the missing support on older web browsers or mobile devices. The problem is that addNamespace will add a new property to the window object. This is working great on … more
Yahoo! Web Services Request and AjaxPro JSON Parser - I love it!
Yesterday night I build an example on how to use Yahoo! Web Services with the AjaxPro JSON parser. The example will call a Yahoo! Web Service with output type set to JSON (see … more
Download new JSON stand-alone library for Microsoft .NET 1.1/2.0
There is a new stand-alone version for JSON serialization/deserialization library available for Microsoft .NET 1.1/2.0. The JSON parser is extracted from my Ajax.NET Professional library and will be … more
Serializing Objects as JSON using Atlas, JSON.NET and AjaxPro [Part 2]
As there was a little discussion about serialization of .NET types and deserialization of these genereted JSON strings I have updated Ajax.NET Professional (version to allow parsing of new … more
AJAX Web Applications and Time Zones
Because I'm currently playing with a lot of AJAX frameworks I'm searching for the correct use of dates and times in web applications. Ajax.NET Professional is using time zone indentifier to know from … more
Why Ajax.NET Professional is using the __type property?
Ajax.NET Professional is using attributes, there is no need to inherit from special pages or include dummy web controls to do all the job, there is no need to write special source code. Any .NET … more
Serializing Objects as JSON using Atlas, JSON.NET and AjaxPro [Part 1]
I read the post from Scott Hanselman today comparing the internal use of JSON de-/serializer from the Atlas framework and Ajax.NET Professional. Scott writes that Ajax.NET Professional cannot … more
Google talk and "Binary and script behaviors"
Today I found something interesting when using different security in Internet Explorer settings. If Binary and script behaviors is disabled in internet sercurity settings Google talk user images are … more
Work off-line with Ajax
In Internet Explorer (and all other common web browsers) you have an menu item File -> Work off-line. What does this do with you web application? Of course, it is working offline, no communication … more
IE7 and no native XMLHttpRequest support
This weekend I had a deep look on the native XMLHttpRequest support with the new Internet Explorer version 7 which is still in beta. If you do a Google search for "native xmlhttp support ie" you will … more
[DE] Dodned .NET Franken Usergroup Treffen
Dieter Föttinger schreibt auf seinem Blog folgendes zu dem Usergroup Treffen (INETA Usergroup Franken) gestern Abend: "Ajax.NET Professional ist das elegantere und vor allem kompaktere Framework das … more
RSS feed available for Ajax.NET Professional Releases
I will start to publish new releases with an RSS feed in the next days. The URL for the RSS feed is where you can see a first version of the latest changes … more
Ajax and latency problems
I tried to get more information about the speed of AjaxPro calls on my web site. First of all I did a research on how the latency of internet connection will change the duration. For this I run a … more
Autcompletion Issues with Yahoo, Scriptaculous Libraries
Cheng Guangnan reports on a potential issue with the autocompletion/suggestion support offered by both Yahoo UI and Scriptaculous libraries. The problem involves parallel calls - there’s the … more
Why I hate Web 2.0/AJAX? Here are some reasons...
Web 2.0/AJAX is nothing new, but there are more and more companies or web developers putting these buzzwords on their web site without any knowledge of these techniques. The wrong use of Web 2.0/ … more
Download Windows Live TM Messenger 8.0
The download link for the final version of Windows Live TM Messenger 8.0 (the next-generation MSN Messenger) is currently not working correct, use following link instead: … more
XML -> JSON Serialization
With the next release of Ajax.NET Professional you will be able to transform any XmlDocument or XmlNode into a JSON object. This is really cool because we have already a lot of xml documents in our … more
AJAX on I-Mate JASJAR, Smartphones and Opera Mini for Pocket PC
See following web browser user agents accessed my web site at, all are working with Ajax.NET Professional: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows CE; i-mate JASJAR PPC; 6 … more
Pocket PC 2003 Support
The new version will support Pocket PC 2003 and Windows Mobile 5 devices including Smart Phones, too. I'm running my web site from my mobile phone using GSM (slow … more
Ajax.NET Professional and Windows Mobile 5
Yesterday I put my new release online that will have support for Windows Mobile 5. The new release is available at Because of the missing DHTML support I didn't … more
AJAX books promotion code: 25% off!
I have a promotion code that will give you 25% off for the two books Professional Ajax and Ajax For Dummies. Use the promotion code FCE on the online shop at more
Windows Mobile 5 and Ajax.NET Professional
I put an example online that will show the current beta version of Ajax.NET Professional. Try the page with your Windows Mobile 5 device. You will … more
Ajax.NET Professional with new Converters
I put the new version online, download the latest DLL at There are a lot of performance changes done, and the lib is now working perfect with the effects.& … more
The Bitmap is back...!
Today I added the BitmapConverter.cs which will support returning a Bitmap directly from Ajax.NET Professional. Attached to the Google groups thread you will see what is working today (the Bitmap … more
[INETA] Treffen der Stars in Franken - Dodned Live
Dodned Live: Treffen der Stars in der fränkischen Metropole ... Michael Schwarz mit Ajax.NET Professional [2], Daniel Zeiss mit ComfortASP.NET [3] und Oliver Scheer, Microsoft, mit Atlas Framework [4] … more
Download Microsoft Office System 2007 Beta 2
Now the first public beta for the new Microsoft Office System 2007 is available, be one of the first you get it. Use following link to register with your Passport account and download it for free: … more
Ajax.NET Professional Starter Kit will move to CodePlex
The new Starter Kit for Ajax.NET Professional will move to a new location where everyone can help building great AJAX enabled web pages and controls. The new URL where you can post your bugs, … more
Wiki Example using ProntoWiki
I have found a great wiki project on SourceForge called ProntoWiki. The next days I will see where Ajax.NET Professional would fit best in this wiki project. You will find an updated version here: … more
Beta Starter Kit available online
I've started a new url where I put the beta Starter Kit online. It includes the AutoComplete, Security, Feedback and Wiki example (editor/p@ssw0rd). The default.aspx is testing several data types. … more
AutoComplete or Suggest Control for Ajax.NET
I have a new demo at which will use a textbox and Ajax.NET Professional to search for customer names (1st textbox) and then for the orders of … more
Fiddler and Visual Studio built-in web server
There are some problems when using Fiddler with the Visual Studio built-in web server. By default Fiddler is only changing the proxy settings for http and https. The problem is that Visual Studio … more
Google vs Ajax.NET Professional
Today Google put the GWT (Google Web Toolkit) online which includes several UI controls, but also the possibility to exchange data between server and client and back. While downloading the framework … more
Web 2.0 Effects with Ajax.NET Professional
I have modified an example form the web site that is showing some effects for a shopping cart web application. The example is using a generic dictionary (Dictionary<string,int>) … more
Ajax.NET Professional working with IE 5.0!!
I'm glad to see that my Ajax.NET Professional library (version or higher) is working with Internet Explorer 5.0 and 5.5. Both versions are supporting requests using the ActiveX … more
Why UpdateControls are dangerous (or: why Fiddler is a great tool)!
The next days I will have a deeper look into web sites that are using AJAX frameworks that will replace the typical postback used in ASP.NET. Today I found a new job portal ( … more
Why is slow...
Scott Isaac has posted an article some weeks ago why is slow or "What they learned building": Parsing XML is Slow We have also learned that merely parsing the RSS XML can be … more
Security and Ajax.NET Professional
I have written a short example about how to use web forms security with Ajax.NET Professional. The example (C# and VB.NET) is included in the latest version available at … more
I'm searching for Internet Explorer 5.0
To have more tests on older web browsers I need the full setup files for Internet Explorer 5.0. Does anybody of you have a CD from a magazine that you can send me? Internet Explorer 5.0 and 5.5 are … more
Google Trends, very interessting...
Without any comment, have a look at these images from Google Trends LABS: "" "web 2.0" "" "json" more
Ajax.NET Professional Starter Kit available (C#/Visual Basic .NET)
I got already a lot of feedback to build Starter Kits for Ajax.NET Professional. Today I started to create an environment where I can simple build C# and Visual Basic .NET example web pages. The … more
Download latest Ajax.NET Professional
Download the latest Ajax.NET Professional library and examples for free at Support and feedback welcome at the Google group. The latest changes: Version (Discussion)- … more
Download latest Ajax.NET Professional
Download the latest Ajax.NET Professional library and examples for free at Support and feedback welcome at the Google group. The latest changes: Version - Fixed … more
Updated Ajax.NET Professional source code
To let others check changes made to the current release of Ajax.NET Professional I have updated the source code that is available at If you find any bug or have other great … more
App_Offline.htm and Ajax.NET Professional
I read the nice article about the App_Offline.htm on Scotts blog. If you are using Ajax.NET Professional you can simply check in the callback function if there is any error. While the App_Offline.htm … more
Download new Ajax.NET Professional version
Changes done for version (beta) Added support of IHttpAsyncHandler to remove http request from pool while long-running methods are invoked. Use [AjaxMethod(true)]. Fixed array … more
Removed Object.prototype.extend for third-party libraries
I have published a new beta versiont that will get rich of the Object.prototype.extend that is in conflict with several third-party libraries. Download the beta at … more
Cookieless Session running with Ajax.NET Professional (ASP.NET 1.1, fix for 2.0)
The problem why cookieless sessions are not working in ASP.NET 2.0 is very easy, there is a change how it works internal. I have already fixed the code that it will work with ASP.NET 2.0 as with the … more
Ajax.NET Professional, enums and global onError/onLoading events
The version has fixed the missing enum support, now. To register an enum for client-side JavaScript code you have to add following code (the old AjaxEnum attribute is not needed): public void … more
Web Page Analyzer and overall traffic
I the last weeks I used Fiddler to see what is sent over the lines on initial start of a web site and during the web application is running. You can simply mark more than on request line. On the … more
Why is it hard to compare AJAX libraries?
Months ago I started several chats with a lot of AJAX developers, some are using my Ajax.NET Professional library, others are working directly with the XMLHTTPRequest object. I had a look around … more
Download latest Ajax.NET Professional
Hey, I did another release today to fix the missing Decimal support. Now, I convert it to an Decimal value, should be ok for use in JavaScript. Another thing I added is to fire an OnError event if … more
How to use a different file extension for Ajax.NET Professional
As a result of my last blogs, if you want to use a different file extension for the Ajax.NET Professional JavaScript wrappers you can simply use ASPX or any other file extension. You only have to … more
Download latest Ajax.NET Professional
Feel free to download the latest assemblies for the .NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0 (ajaxpro.2.dll) from my web site. The example project download still includes the old version, don't forget to replace … more
Missing .ASHX Mapping will stop Ajax.NET running
Some web server hoster have removed the default .ASHX file extension mapping. Ajax.NET Professional (and the older library) will work using this mapping. Please ask your hosting company to add this … more
SQL Server 2005 and Ajax.NET Professional - RowNumber Example
I often want to display something like a DataGrid on my web sites with next and prev buttons to scroll through the complete table. Using SQL Server 2005 it is very easy to build such controls that … more
[OT] Interesting Google Search
Today I got an error message in .NET 2.0 ("Failed to start monitoring changes to...", error code -2147023570). Try to search for this error code with Google you will get a funny result: Click here. I … more
Ajax.NET Enterprise Edition
I got already some questions concerning the next steps of Ajax.NET Professional. Yes, I'm working on some new ideas, and maybe it will be an Ajax.NET Enterprise Edition. With the upcomming AJAX … more
Download your copy of the Ajax.NET Professional Source Code
The download of the Ajax.NET Professional source code is available at Notice, that it is only the latest snapshot of my version to show my comments, and how I … more
AJAX Community (focus on .NET)
Yesterday on the launch event of Visual Studio .NET 2005 and SQL Server 2005 in Karlsruhe/Germany we had the idea to create a usergroup/community here in Germany for all Web 2.0 and AJAX developers. … more
Comparison of AJAX frameworks for ASP.NET
Daniel sent me his comparison of indirect AJAX programming frameworks for ASP.NET. As Ajax.NET is a framework where you have to do JavaScript programming other frameworks allow you to use AJAX … more
I'm back...
Today I will talk to all of you and thank you for your help on Ajax.NET! Since end of last year I had to slow down the work on Ajax.NET because my body asked me for some hours to sleep. My nightly … more
WMF Security Update
I found the new security update for the WMF image bug, see: more
I have received the Microsoft MVP Award
Dear Michael Schwarz,Congratulations and Welcome to the Microsoft® MVP Program! [...] I'm a Visual Developer - ASP/ASP.NET MVP 2006, now... and hopefully I have more time on Ajax.NET Professional. & … more