ASP.NET Podcast Show #60 - Atlas UpdatePanel - Video Special
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ASP.NET Podcast Show #59 - Julie Lerman
Get more Wally, Scott, Paul, and Craig (and Steve Smith our Tech Editor) on your bookshelf
First cover:
Various thoughts
IronPython Ships
Charlotte - Atlas UG talk
Atlas talk in Charlotte on Tuesday 7/25
I will be speaking at the Enterprise Developer's Guild in Charlotte, NC on Tuesday 7/25. I will be speaking on Microsoft Atlas. My files are available here.
I'm really looking forward to it. It's my first official talk as a member of the Ineta Speaker's Bureau. I'm going to meet up with Scott Forsyth before hand an interview him for the ASP.NET Podcast. -
Do Ads belong in Desktop Software
Microsoft goes public with Zune
ASP.NET Podcast Show #58 - John Papa
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What I need from the Mac world
Originally posted from:
ASP.NET DataList Databinding
Original Post:
Editable GridView & Row Level Binding
Original Post:
Monitoring a web site on the local server with a Windows Service
I wrote the code below to monitor a website that was running on a local web server. The goal was to reset the web server whenever the WebRequest object recieved a 404 error from the web server. If a 404 error is recieved, the service runs the command specified in the web.config file. The service operates on a timer and runs at a period defined in the web.config file. Personally, I don't think the application is great in that it only looks for a 404 error, but it did solve my problem.
Why restart the web service? In our situation, a 404 was indicitive of a problem that required a restart. I wrote this for a server running an old COM+/Classic ASP application that we are having trouble with. In your situation, you can do as you please. -
Oracle releases support for .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005
Looks like Oracle has gotten the .NET religion.
Our "Beginning Atlas" book proposal has been approved
Yes, that's right, our "Beginning AJAX with ASP.NET" book hasn't hit the streets yet and we just got approval for our next AJAX oriented book. This book will be based on the RTM version of Microsoft Atlas. which isn't due till Orcas. Two questions that I have already gotten are:
MySql joined the Visual Studio Industry Partner Program
Ok, I missed this, but MySql has joined the MS VSIP Program. This is all very interesting, but its behind the times. Sql Server, Oracle, and DB/2 can run CLR Objects inside the database. When will MySql run CLR objects within the database? -
July's Community Credit Prizes
If you are not familiar with, it is a site for allowing people to put in the technology community events that they attend or do. With each event, you get points and each month my buddy David Silverlight awards prizes for the preceding month. I was just checking out the prizes for July, and they are hilareous. David has done a really good job in getting really cool and weird prizes. My two favorite prizes are:
IIS7 - The Underappreciated Jewel of Longhorn Server
WebCast Videos from Wrox
Jim Minatel at Wrox is doing a set of webcast videos. A new one has recently been posted. This is one by Scott Hanselman. Scott has several coming out on Developer Productivity tools. The first video is available at Congratulations to Scott on a job well done. Some of the other videos currently available are:
Formatting Dates
I am forgetful regarding the formatting of dates in .NET. For example, I will try to put in something like "MM/DD/YYYY" and will get out something like "06/MM/YYYY." As my head slaps my forehead on this issue, I then remember that string formatting is case sensitive and I need to use something like "MM/dd/yyyy" to get my desired result. Check here for the common string formatting expressions. Thanks to Steve Tibbett for this info. Steve has some other good formatting info in his article on his blog. I have gone ahead and copied over the date formats for my reference (not trying to steal info).
My thoughts and prayers go out to those in India that have been effected by the terrorist attack there
Apple's customers are rebelling?,71357-0.html?tw=wn_index_6
If I have an iPod, which I do, how can there be something wrong with Apple. -
MVPs are paid? Where is my money - Issue Resolved
***** Original Post *****
I just heard this new term, "WAMP." (At least its new to me) WAMP stands for Windows Apache MySql Perl. The term basically refers to running open source style applications on Windows.
DB/2 and Visual Studio 2005
The "IBM Database add-ins for Visual Studio 2005" includes:
Net Neutrality - Telcos == Mafia
I'm not going to bore you with a discussion of the ins and outs of the Net Neutrality discussion. It just sounds to me like the Telcos (telephone, cable, and other providers) are sounding like the Mafia. They are claiming that Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and other major providers are getting a free ride. I guess that they forgot that their customers pay them for access to the Internet. The providers then turn around and freely peer with the other big providers. It sounds like the providers want a piece of the action and are going to cut off access to these services if they don't get it. I have never understood why I have been promised huge amounts of bandwidth for years yet I haven't seen a provider that I have access to provide these speeds. I can't wait to hear one of these providers say "We're going to make them an offer they can't refuse." -
Intel to ship Montecity - yawn
This week, Intel is set to ship Montecito. Montecito is the latest version of the Itanium family of processors from Intel. There have been three major problems with the Itanium family of processors.
- Poor support from software companies. Its a chicken and the egg problem. The software companies don't want to spend a lot of money on supporting it until the there is sufficient hardware in the marketplace. There won't be a significant uptake of hardware without software to run on it.
- Intel didn't get the white box crowd involved. Without white box support, the processor won't see widespread usage.
- The Itanium doesn't provide very good emulation of the x86 family of processors.
- A fourth issue, somewhat related to the previous issues, is that
the cost of an Itanium system is currently too much for the commodity
Wally -
Ken Lay died
Fourth of July
I hope that everyone in the USA has a good Fourth of July holiday.