jQuery Mobile Cookbook - Book Review
It is a pleasure to work on jQuery Mobile Cookbook with Packt Publishing - one of the most prolific and fast-growing tech book publishers in the world. This was my first experience to work as a technical programming books reviewer. Actually, I found it very interesting experience; especially to work with such great company Packt Publishing.
AddThis - contains too many device filters error
When using AddThis service with, some exceptions will throw like these:
jQuery Mobile Download Builder
Now you can customize your jQuery Mobile download by selecting the specific modules you need by using jQuery Mobile Download Builder that was released yesterday June 30, 2012.
Active button in navbar in Jquery Mobile
When you add ui-btn-active class to your anchor, it will activate the selected button in your navbar. Moreover, if you'd like to keep it active when you return to it again, you need to add ui-state-persist.
jquery mobile framework detects ui-state-persist class, then fires the delegate as following:
$navbar.delegate( "a", "vclick", function( event ) { if( !$("ui-disabled") ) { $navbtns.not(".ui-state-persist" ).removeClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass ); $( this ).addClass( $.mobile.activeBtnClass ); } });
Calculating GridView Fields Using jquery
Using jquery library with ASP Controls can be a good practice to handle any client script. Furthermore, using jquery with GridView would be more efficient than using native JavaScript. JavaScript needs a lot of codes, on the other hand, Jquery helps to build robust program with less codes and work.