Orchard Core Beta 3

Orchard Core is available in Beta 3: https://github.com/OrchardCMS/OrchardCore/releases/tag/1.0.0-beta3

Open-source, modular, multi-tenant application framework and CMS for ASP.NET Core

Flexible content management 

Define custom content types dynamically and reuse content fields. Define roles and permissions for all your users. 

Full, decoupled, or headless cms 

You can separate the content management from the front-end by using GraphQL, and create SPA applications or even static websites. 


Every feature is a module which ships as a Nuget package, can be enabled, disabled or replaced. Create your own ecosystem of modules, or reuse existing ones to bootstrap your applications.


A single installation lets you manage multiple sites. The notion of Recipe lets you write reusable websites templates. 


Between the fast performance of ASP.NET Core and the architectural choices of Orchard Core CMS, you get one of the fastest CMS solutions you have ever tried, on any OS (Windows, Linux, MacOS). 


Create content validation workflows, and define Web Hooks to trigger external processes or react to external events 

List of changes for this release

  • Update to ASP.NET Core 2.2
  • GraphQL for all Content
  • Facebook, Microsoft Account, Google and Twitter authentication
  • ASP.NET Configuration support
  • Decoupled and headless CMS support
  • Improved performance
  • Background tasks management
  • Taxonomies module
  • Custom navigation
  • ReCaptcha module
  • Mini Profiler module
  • Recipe migrations
  • File based Content Definition
  • The Coming Soon theme
  • Edit and Display modes


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