
Archives / 2004 / August
  • Website Transition

    I just moved my site from my current hoster over to WebHost4Life and my DNS changes look like they're starting to propogate. So, if you notice any quirkiness in the next few days, that is why. Also, its quite possible any forum posts that were entered around the switchover time will be *lost* (actually, they won't be brought over).

  • Context Menu -> Sub Menu Problem

    So I ran into a bit of a speedbump this afternoon while working on Unleash It. I was trying to add menu items to a sub menu of a context menu for the Notify Icon (boy is that a mouthful to say (and also to write)). Well, it seems that there is a bit of a known bug that isn't broadly stated when creating sub-menu items dynamically...and that is that once you've created them, and try to recreate them, they never appear.

  • Configuration Error - Solved

    For the last few days, I've been having the problem of "Configuration Error - Access is denied" in one of my web applications that I've been building. Well, today was the breaking point. After restarting my computer roughly 10 times in 45 minutes, I decided to google it. Alas, I found this KB article that explains why its happening and how to solve it.

  • Get OS Name and Version

    Awhile ago, I had come across an article describing on how to get the current operating system version and name through .NET. While this article was great for Windows XP and prior OSes, it didn't really pan out too much for Windows 2003 Server and Longhorn. So after a bit of digging to determine the version numbers (thanks to Adam for getting me the current Longhorn version #) I was able to successfully map the correct versions/names. Here's my code:

  • No More Stored Procs!

    This method is way better than using stored procedures, oh yeah. You can change them on the fly, and not even have to acess the database. Now, how to do inserts/updates/deletes...

  • Bothered by the Olympics?

    Exactly how bothered are you by the Olympics already? Well, there obviously is some people who just don't want to see anything about the Olympics.

  • WebDeploy Rebranded!

    The naming contest that has entertained me for the last week has finally come to an end. Over 50 name suggestions came through the pipeline, some duplicates, some hilarious, and some just great. However, one name stood out amongst the rest that was just perfect. After having some internal discussions with Jeff, Ryan, and Adam, we all pretty much came to the same conclusion, this was the name.

  • Madden 2005 - Awesome!

    I picked up Madden 2005 for the Xbox this afternoon after work. I must say, the gameplay is superb, and playing on Xbox live against other people in Madden its just plain, well, awesome. It's almost as if I'm playing against one of my friends, but I don't actually see them. Its a bit more challenging playing against a human than the computer, but definately more fun. Make sure that if you have Xbox Live to look me up whenever I'm on few and far between.

  • Naming Contest - 2.5 days left

    Just as a reminder, the WebDeploy Re-Naming contest has just under 3 days remaining. I've gotten a lot of great submissions, but more is needed. Remember, the contest ends at 11:59 PM CST on August 1315, 2004. The winner will receive a FREE 1 developer license for my custom controls, along with their fame in the "About" dialog.

  • Reporting Services :: Not Running on Port 80

    So I found another weird quirck with Reporting Services tonight, that is a must share in case anyone else runs across it. My server setup at home doesn't run IIS on the default port 80, but rather on port 8181. This is for security reasons since its publicly open via my Cable modem service (but behind my firewall/router).

  • Reporting Services :: Page Breaks

    I've been off at a client site today, which is why I've been a bit quite. Anyway, I've been working with SQL Reporting Services today, and I was wondering how in the world I could create page breaks between 4 different charts. Much to my amazement, if you just drop a "Rectangle" on the page layout, go to its properties, and check "Insert after Rectangle", you'll get a pagebreak. Easy as pie, a pie chart that is!

  • Updated Utility: WebDeploy 1.2.3

    My constant barrages of updates for WebDeploy has left me releasing yet another version, 1.2.3. Like its predecessor, it is mainly a bug fix version, in the hopes that I'll have a rock solid tool to base my 2.0 distribution off of. This update was aimed at stability of the product, and as such you'll see that reflected in the changelog following this soon.

  • I'm Thinking McAfee has...

    ...crappy online support. Case in point, I updated my and my girlfriends machines to XP SP2, and afterwhich our not so legal McAfee 7 crashes constantly. Okay, okay, yes I know its wrong so I was actually going to go purchase McAfee VirusScan 8. I go to their site, see it and go, hmm, I wonder if McAfee 8 will work with XP SP2...I better check with customer service before plopping 60 bucks down for it.

  • Firefox 0.9.3 Released

    For anyone using Firefox, make sure you grab 0.9.3 here. There isn't that much changes, but its always good to have the latest & greatest.

  • Upgrading Forums

    Update: I've successfully migrated to Community Server :: Forums 2.0. However, roles were not brought over successfully, so if you were apart of my beta testers, please let me know. I've also just sent out a mass email to everyone that had signed up (great interface for that, I must say), alerting you of the upgrade and beta testers issues.

  • It's Mini "Me" Time!

    I just found this totally cool feature in BlogJet that I think everyone will be like "woah". BTW, the reference "Me" refers to BlogJet, I don't actually have a mini-me like Dr. Evil running around (although how cool would that be).

  • Shooting for the stars

    So following up on my constant barrage of non-technical posts, I think this marks #3 for the day. I guess I'm starting to make an impact at Weblogs @ ASP.NET, or I've just been here way too darn long. Anyway, I've finally made it within the top 40 posters (I'm #39 as of post #5 this afternoon). Thats pretty impressive considering the blogroll is pretty lengthy.

  • Setting a "Scoble" Record

    I remember many moons ago people started bashing Scoble (or maybe it was himself) for posting too much in 1 day. I remember something along the lines of him being limited (by himself) to about 6 posts a day.

  • Naming Contest - You can Win!

    With WebDeploy 1.2.2 rolling around the corner, its time that I take a step back and say that its been one hell of a ride. However, with 1.2.2, and previous versions, its become blatantly obvious that the name "WebDeploy" just doesn't justify the tools' versatility. I've also found out (well, not recently) that Wise actually has a product called WebDeploy. Obviously, I wouldn't want to cause a stir with them and get sued over the name.

  • ASP.NET Server Controls Presentation

    Yesterday, I stated that I had to prepare a presentation for my .NET User Group, and after 3.5 hours of quickly throwing together a presentation and demos, I was done. Yay! I luckily only had enough time to leave work (yes late), drive to the Microsoft office, setup my laptop, and then go! Call that close? I would.

  • Meeting Update for Tonight - Now I'm Speaking

    Unfortunately our speaker's plane was cancelled early this morning which barred him from making the flight from LA to Bloomington, IL. This unfortunately put me in a situation in which I wish I had more time, preparing a presentation on ASP.NET Server Controls for the Central IL Dot Net User Group meeting this evening.

  • Movie Reccomendation: The Village

    I just returned from one of the best movies I've seen this year, "The Village" by M. Night Shyamalan. If you go to and check out the average score, it got a 1.17 out of 5. I think I need to say that the reviewers didn't actually understand the movie, and the 43% "go and see it on the big screen" general audience (poll) did. It's got several twists that give it the type of movie for anyone who liked "The Game" or "Sixth Sense". Definately a see it now movie...just bring a pair clean underwear.