
Archives / 2003 / March
  • Completely online email clients

    I'm been trying to find the best completely online email client such as oddPost and fastmail.  I like oddPost's GUI but it doesn't have all the features, I like fastmail's features but it doesn't have a very good GUI.  Does anyone else use a completely browser based email client online that has a nice GUI and has a nice set of feature, especially the ability to check other pop/imap accounts?

  • Over write text in a window's console application

    Today I had a need to display a counter on a Console application and I was trying to think of a way to over write the existing number with the new number in the console window, using C#.  So after thinking about it for a minute it came to me, just write backspace characters.  Well anyways just incase anyone would ever need this here is a simple example: 

  • NiftyPortal

    I stumbled upon this pretty cool online news reader a while ago and I just happened to stumble upon it again and I figured that I would pass it along.  NiftyPortal

  • Using Embedded Images in ASP.Net V2

    Thanks to Yves and Peter for the advise I utilized your advise to create a new version my embedded Image example. I did switch to an ashx file, I didn't even know about this file type until now. I'm no longer passing in the assembly as a parameter but I didn't want to put the assembly in the config file either, so I figured that I would just test for the image by the passed in name in all the assemblies loaded into that AppDomain. There shouldn't be to many right? But you do have to make sure that embedded image has a unique name, that shouldn't be to hard though because you can prefix it by your namespace.

    <% @ webhandler language="C#" class="ImageHandler" %> 
    public class ImageHandler : System.Web.IHttpHandler 
      public void ProcessRequest(System.Web.HttpContext context) 
        string image = string.Empty;
        System.IO.Stream stream = null;
          // Get Image Name from request
          image = context.Request["img"].Replace("/"".");   
          // Find image in loaded assemblies
          foreach(System.Reflection.Assembly asm in System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
            stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(image);
            if(stream != null)
          // Throw exception if image is not found
          if(stream == null)
            throw new System.Exception("Image not found in loaded assemblies");
          // Create an Image object from the stream
          System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(stream);
          // Save the Image stream to the output stream
          img.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif);
        catch(System.Exception ex)
          context.Response.Write("Exception: <BR>image = " + image + "<BR>" +
            ex.Message + "<BR>" + ex.StackTrace.Replace("\n""<BR>"));  
      public bool IsReusable 
        get { return true; } 

    So what do you guys think about revision 2?

  • Using Embedded Images in ASP.Net

    This will prevent me from having to copy all the images; all I would need to copy is the Assembly and the image.aspx file.  What do you guys think?  Does anyone see any potential problems with this?

  • Memobook and DevBuddy

    I ran across this free service for organizing notes from any where(with IE internet access).  It is called The Notes Bar. I was thinking that this is a good idea and maybe something along this idea can be developed for DevBuddy To where we can access todo lists, code snippets, articles, and alerts from anywhere.

  • .Net Rocks Talk Show

    I'm sure that most everyone has heard about this but if not Carl Franklin is creating some .Net Rocks radio talk shows.  Where he and Mark Dunn have interviewed people such as Alan Cooper, Chris Sells, Mark Anders, and many more.  They cover a lot of cool stuff about .Net.  I just downloaded all of them and I'm catching up with all the earlier shows. 

  • OddPost

    I'm considering moving away from outlook for a new internet based email client (that look pretty close to outlook) called oddPost.

  • MLB.TV

    For those of us who are baseball fans now we can watch all the baseball games online I'm slowly eliminating the need for a television what so ever. Last year I would say about 80% of the TV I watched (which was not much) were baseball games. I don't know about everyone else but I know my computer has replaced my TV by a long shot. I spend at least 12 hours a day on the computer (that includes my 8 hours at work). Is this good for a person? I'm truly addicted to programming. I think I need to go to programmers anonymous.

  • Self-write: the program that writes itself

    I was wandering through Hugh Browns Website and I ran across this: Self-Write programming challenge.  I found it very interesting. He gave a solution for it in C so I'm going to try and do it in C#. If anyone already has a solution in C#, please don't post it because I want to try and figure it out myself first.

  • Auto Complete in VS.NET

    As I was typing code today I realized that I find myself typing CTRL-SPACE a whole lot. Is this just me or do other people do this as well?  For the people who don't know what this does it either drops down an intellisense list based on the context of where you are typing or if there is only one entry that matches what you have typed it will fill in the rest of you.  It is always nice to say some key strokes.

  • Design Patterns

    Lots of buzz about this at the moment so I thought I'd share the links I've built up so far...

  • Secure .Net Remoting

    I know this is probably old news to some people but If you haven't already seen this there are some nice resources on securing .net remoting, plus I'm going to be doing some of this in the near future so I thought I would post it so I don't forget where I found it.

  • Congress sets up cybersecurity panel

    Congress approved a Cyber Security Research and Development Act in November 2002 that would give universities about $900 million during the next five years to create security centers, recruit graduate students, and pay for research.

  • Listeners and Reflection

    So I was a little slow to catch onto these types...I was still writing to text files and adding message boxes all over the place.  Here is a decent 'How To' link for those interested:

  • Grad Schools

    Well I've got accepted to the CS Grad Program at the University of Tennessee and University of Virginia with a full assistantship to both. Now I'm waiting to for a response from Virginia Tech and then I can make a decision of where I want to go.  Assuming I get the accepted and get assistance from Virginia Tech I will be faced with a tough decision.

  • About Me

    For the most part not too many of you know much if anything about me, so I figured I would tell.

  • Using Serialization as a general Deep Copy

    I have a theory that I would like to run by everyone.  Assuming a class say TestClass is Serializable. Would the following function work in general to do a deep copy of that class?

  • How private are private fields?

    The other day when I was working on creating a object/assembly browser for the web I was thinking about the power of reflection.  Using reflection you can get access to any any part of a class including private members.  So I wrote a simple project to test and see I could change private fields using reflection, or call private methods using reflection.