Conference Orchard Harvest 2014 in Redmond–Day 1

This year, the 3rd conference Orchard Harvest has been organized in Redmond on the Microsoft campus on June 9th-11th.


Keynote: The State of Orchard

Speakers : Ylan Kunstler - Bertrand Leroy

Bertrand gave us a little idea of the state of the project.

Orchard has released 20 versions in the last 5 years.

666k downloads on Codeplex, 6.1 modules downloads on the gallery.

92k messages on the Codeplex forum, 3000 questions on Stack Overflow


High Density Hosting with Orchard on Azure

Speakers : Sebastien Ros

Sebastien talked about the migration of the 750 blogs of on Azure in a single Orchard instance.

The cost to host all of these blogs is just 350$/month.

See Jon Galloway’s article for more details.


Themes, Layouts and Slideshows - Onestop

Speakers : Jorge Agraz, Eric Perez – OneStop

They are one of the early adopter of Orchard.

40+ of their websites are using Orchard and they develop module to build their own ecommerce solution.

A public repository is available to retrieve some of the modules they share with the community.


Proligence, Projects, and Open Source

Speaker : Piotr Szmyd (CTO)

Piotr listed 3 modules that Proligence share as Open Source projects.

A testing framework for Orchard, a WCF library, and a PowerShell integration of Orchard.


Created by Hellocomputer - Built with Orchard

Speaker : Samuel Goldenbaum

Samuel showed some web sites built with Orchard using web api and Backbonejs:,,

An Ipad app has also been created using Orchard as backend.


Azure Media Services

Speakers : Ross Gardler, Roopali Kaujalgi - Microsoft Open Technologies

The Azure Media Services module enables you to connect to WAMS, upload your assets, encode and play the videos.

It has been integrated in the core modules.


The Future of Widgets

Speaker : Steve Taylor

Steve made a little history of web components and how to bind templates in javascript.

He made a demo with Polymer.js ( to consume the youtube api and display and search videos.


  • Thanks for the summary! I couldn't be there so it was nice to see what was discussed.

  • Thank you for your informative post!!!
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