Orchard Harvest is happening October 5-6 in beautiful Alicante, Spain
The fourth Harvest conference, where the Orchard CMS community gathers to share experiences, talk about the future of the platform, and generally have a great time together, is happening October 5-6 in Alicante. We have a fantastic line-up of speakers, if I may say so myself, including the following fine people from Microsoft: Sébastien Ros, lead developer and Benevolent Dictator of Orchard, and N. Taylor Mullen, developer extraordinaire and super-fun speaker.
My element template overrides for Bootstrap-happy Orchard dynamic layouts
The dynamic layouts feature in Orchard is pretty awesome, but using it with the Bootstrap 3 grid system may not be immediately obvious. The feature comes with a built-in grid system, but I prefer to use Bootstrap’s fluid grids. I’ve built a few template overrides that I use to bend Orchard layouts to use the Bootstrap grid.