The widget layer file in a DecentCMS site

The widgets layer file can be found under /sites/name-of-the-site/widget/index.json. The index.json file describes the layers of widgets for the site. Layers are collections of widgets that can be turned on or off by an expression that is associated with each layer and that gets evaluated for each request against an environment that can be contributed to by modules, and that can use extension rules also contributed by modules. More than one layer can be active on any given page of the site.

For example, you can define a special layer for your home page, and another for your documentation section, or for your product catalog, or even for the first Tuesday of each month.

The default layer is usually defined with a rule of true, which means that the widgets it contains will appear on all pages of the site.

The DecentCMS documentation site has a second layer that contains the navigation widgets for the documentation section. The rule for this layer is:


This rule is JavaScript code that uses a regular expression to look for a URL beginning with /docs/ or /docs/api/.

The url variable used in this expression is made available by the url-layer-rule-context-builder service. It is possible to expose your own variables and functions to layer expression evaluation by implementing a service for the layer-rule-context-builder contract.

The index.json file consists of an object with top-level properties that bear the names of each layer. Each layer has a description, a rule, and a list of widgets.

In the list of widgets, each widget has a content item id (because widgets are content items), and a "place".

The id will usually be of the form widget:name-of-the-widget, in which case the system will look for its JSON description as/sites/name-of-the-site/widget/name-of-the-widget.json. It is however in principle possible to use the id of an arbitrary content item in the site, which opens some fun possibilities.

The "place" consists of a top-level zone name that must exist in the theme's layout template, a : colon, and an order string. The order string can be "before", to place the widget before all others in this zone, "after", to put it after all others, or a number. It can also be a dotted number if necessary, such as "1.10.4".

Here is the layer file for the DecentCMS web site:

  "default": {
    "description": "A layer applied to all pages.",
    "rule": "true",
    "widgets": [
        "id": "widget:copyright",
        "place": "footer:after"
        "id": "widget:analytics",
        "place": "analytics:before"
  "documentation": {
    "description": "A layer that is displayed only on documentation pages.",
    "rule": "/^\\/docs(\\/api)?(\\/.+)?$/.test(url)",
    "widgets": [
        "id": "widget:documentation-toc",
        "place": "leftSidebar:before"
        "id": "widget:documentation-breadcrumbs-top",
        "place": "main:before"
        "id": "widget:documentation-breadcrumbs-bottom",
        "place": "main:after"

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